Sequel: Smashed Bottles


Kayla Schodermann, commonly known as Kay, was half kicked out, half left by her own will at age fifteen. She's currently eighteen, almost nineteen, living with her friends in New York City's own Tompkins Square Park. It's summer time, and things are beginning to change more than they ever had before. The numbing comfort of her lifestyle is slowly falling away, and Kay is starting to learn that even by running away from everything else, no one can ever escape the burdens of this life.


Personality wise, Kay's the exact opposite of the typical stereotype for her lifestyle. Quiet, calm, shy, and always thinking, she's got a lot of crap weighing her down but being the person she is, doesn't spray it all over the place and tries to keep her head up anyway. She still knows how to have fun, though, and when drunk (which isn't too seldom) she becomes a bit more open. She's the least shy when she's with her good friends, especially her best friend Felicity, who's pretty much the exact opposite of her (personality-wise). Kay's smart, and she secretly knows it, even though she pretty much dropped out at age 15.

Looks-wise, Kay is short and pale, with super-short cut bangs and dreadlocks, dyed dark purple and black. She sunburns really easily. She has a ring in her nose, but that's her only piercing. Usually she's 100% make up-less, but occasionally she swipes on some black pencil eyeliner. Her face is kind of sharp looking, kind of perky, with roundish lips and a ski-jump nose.


Felicity is Kay's best friend. They've been through a lot of crap together, although there are still some things about Flis that Kay doesn't know. They came to New York together about a year ago, and have been chilling there ever since.
Felicity is a very loud person, but not in an obnoxious way. That's only when she's drunk. She's not afraid to do whatever she wants, and can get agro if fucked with. Sometimes, though, her reckless abandon brings her down and it's up to Kay to bring her back up. Even Felicity can have her quiet moments, but they are usually with her best friend, not when they're with a lot of people. She's very social, but will be quick to decide if she likes you or not-- Luckily, she's also super indesicive and changes her mind a whole lot. She may seem like she has the personality of an agro five year old on the outside, but there is definitely much more to her on the inside-- It's just that not too many people get to see.

Flis has shoulder length, light brown dreadlocks, with a few beads and thing woven into them, too. She's pale-ish, but tans easily, and has a spattering of freckles across her cheeks. She's got a few stick 'n' poke tattoos on her hands, her lip pierced (done with a safety pin, of course), and double nostrils, but other than that she's mod-free. She usually wears olive or brown tone clothes, or maybe sometimes white that turns greyish yellow after a week or so. She has green eyes, and unlike Kay, who occasionally uses eyeliner, Felicity never wears make up. Her face is almost childish looking, kind like that of a ten-year old girl. She often gets mistaken for younger than she is.

The other characters will have hints dropped about their personalities and looks throughout the story. Felicity and Kay are just the two main characters.
  1. It's Five O' Clock Somewhere
    What better way to cool off and meet our protagonist than with a nice 40 oz beer?
  2. A Typical Morning
    Cops, spanging, flyers for concerts... It's nothing new.
  3. At The Churchyard
    More beer, more people. Yawn...
  4. Stolen Sushi
    Food tastes even better when it's free.
  5. We're Gonna See Amebix!
    So many of us wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for music-- Kay included.
  6. Gifts Or Burdens
    The first of many is bestowed upon Kay.
  7. Past Loves
    People start appearing who our two favorite crusty chicks never thought they'd see again...
  8. Off To Pointless Fest
    Going to Philly in boxcars is way more fun than going in buses.
  9. This Is Your Home. This Is Your NEW Home...
    This definitely isn't what Kay was expecting!
  10. The Goth Kids
    Kay meets her new cousin, and her oh-so-cliche friends.
  11. Just The Girl By The Side Of The Road
    There MUST'VE been something in that ***ing weed.
  12. Old Friends
    The punk scene is smaller than you'd think-- You're always running into people you know.
  13. Breakdowns and Squats
    Everything's starting to fall apart, and Kay's wondering whether she can hold it together.
  14. Back To The City- Back To The Past?
    What Felicity said about Ace is starting to jog Kay's memory, too...
  15. Unexpected People in Unexpected Places
    A surprising visitor shows up at Kay's doorstep, ahem, the TSP gates.
  16. He's Back?
    Kay can't believe this...
  17. Love Never Left
    This feeling hasn't hit Kay in a long, long time... But it finally has, and it's really, really nice.
  18. Life's A Blur
    Sometimes it seems as if perfection IS possible.
  19. And It's All Down The Drain
    Everyone makes mistakes... But Kay just made a really ***ing big one.
  20. Tantrums Aren't Just For Toddlers
    Apparently they're for 19 year old crust chicks, too!
  21. Letters
    First her sobriety, and now her home?
  22. Home Is Where I Lay My Head? Nahh, It's T-Square
    The fate of everyone's favorite park has been decided, and no one is happy about it-- In fact, they're furious.
  23. Just The First Of Many Times
    Niz feels the aftermath of her first arrest.
  24. An Ambulance Will Be Dispatched
    Rem is not in a good state.
  25. Where's Your Head At
    Kay's not the type of person to snap under pressure. But she's starting to wonder...
  26. I Do!
    Sometimes, in the midst of everything bad, something wonderful can come about.
  27. Tik, Tik, Tik
    Finders keepers? Kay hopes so.
  28. Previous Owners
    Yup, there's always been a lotta weird people around. But Tikki wouldn't deserve that!