I Never Left You, Brian, I Just Couldn't Stay.

Agony Cullen is the newest additon to the Cullen brood. To any outsider, it seems that Agony has an obsession with Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold. But the Cullens know that she cannot let go of her past, no matter how hard she tries. Agony hasn't always been Agony. Ten years ago, she was Antoinette Laurie. Ten years ago, she was human and she was engaged to the man of her dreams: Brian Haner.

Agony is the most human Cullen, or looks the most human. Her eyes are still chocolate brown and she can go into the sun with no worries. She could live in the human world without ever having to worry someone wouls figure out what she was. But is she really ready to? When she is given the opprotunity to live as a human again, and to see Brian, will Antoinette take it and try to rebuild her life, or will she walk away from the love of her life?
  1. Agony isn't Agony anymore...
    ... She's becoming Antoinette again!
  2. Authors Note
    Authors note