Mr. Fix It

*** Ups Unite!

I'm not smart. I'm not good at holding my tongue. I'm not good at making transitions from no pills to pills to back to being clean that easily. I guess Dad's not a big fan of drugs either, so here goes my first day as a completely sober kid. Great.

I was in first period. I was in Algebra. I couldn't pay attetion. Disturbing images layered my notebook. Ok, not typical disturbing images. More like insane bunnies growing into ginormous heights, eating turtles because they were envious of losing the race, and then eating carrots tranquilly. My notebook was a bit... well, hyper, I guess you could say.

"Carla, how about you go up and write the next answer." Ms. Hanson answered. God, I hated that name, "Hanson." It made me think of those little blonde boys that sang that crappy music! She gave me a sadistic smile as I went up to the board.

I grabbed a marker, but nothing came to mind as to how to solve this. Come on, Carla. You can do this... I gave in. "Does anyone know the solution?" I asked.

"See, Carla, that's why you need to pay attention." She said. "Stop wasting time in class and being stupid." Did she seriously just call me stupid? Oh hell no!

"You've just crossed the line on being unprofessional." I began. "Look at this class. No one is paying attention. Hell, half the time, you don't even understand the crap that you're writing. Listen, you can't teach kids how to do math by embarrassing them. All that does is make us want to do it less. Do you have any idea what motivation is? How about telling us, 'if you pass my class, you can get the hell out of this town someday' rather than just being rude and calling us stupid? How about you make a few less mistakes while up here so we have a chance at understanding this worthless garbage? I know how to do math. I'm having a slow day. Don't you ever call me stupid."

The class stared at me. A few people giggled, and after ending, a few started applauding me. All Ms. Hanson did was get out an all-too familiar pink, yellow and white sheet from her desk. I gathered my stuff, knowing that I was going to leave the classroom shortly, and waltzed over to her desk. "You know someone was going to say something at some point." I said as she handed it to me. All she did was glare as I walked out the door. How I wished I could see how bad the class acted afterwards.

"Good morning, Mr. B." I said as I walked into the In-House Suspension classroom.

"Ah, girl, what did you do this time?" He asked, knowing that the office automatically sent me here.

I sighed. "I told off my teacher after she called me stupid in front of the entire class. It was wrong to do and someone had to put her in her place." I said. I looked around. "Slow day." I commented since there was only one other girl. Ew, it was one of those emo-poser chicks.

"Haha. Well, at least you used your words this time." He gave me a knowing glance.

"God, you know, once I'm out of this school, my record's going to be erased, right? Besides, that's inadmissable character evidence and can't be used to show my mental stability in a court case, so it's as good as forgotten." I joked.

"Actually, it does go to show how mentally stable you are, honey. It actually has everything to do with it in the court's eyes. They dont care what was going on in your mind, but how it made you look." He sighed. I know he'd been screwed by some of the same stuff I had. That's why he works In-House; it's easier to take a lecture from a guy who'd been there.

"So what's up with you?" I asked the girl next to me as Mr. B went back to reading. She glared at me in response. It was one of those stupid glares that makes little kids cry. Haha, she's had no idea some stuff I've seen if she's trying to disturb me.

"What, is that supposed to scare me?" I mocked her. Her face was half-covered with dyed-black hair and her eye liner almost drowning her eyes beneath it.

"What do you want?" She asked rudely.

"How about some hospitality." I joked. She snarled. Who the hell snarles at people? "Listen, chica, I don't know why you're being so rude, but we're stuck together the whole day, so might as well make it go by quickly, right?" I offered. Come on, it's not like she had friends coming her way often by her attitude.

"I don't want to talk to you." She replied and looked down at her dark notebook.

"Haha, you must have me confused with an adult. How could you refuse talking to the only other person in here?" I asked, getting a bit annoying on purpose.


"Ah, some good attitude. How about you get vicious with your comments?" I provoked.

"Ok. Leave me alone or I'll follow you home and stab you." She said.

"Elizabeth!" Mr. B. said. "I'll let you talk, but I draw the line at death threats."

"Sorry." She said.

"That was weak anyways. How about this. Fuck off, or I'll beat your ass so bad you won't be able to shit for a week."

"Carla! You know I don't tolerate that language!" Mr. B scolded.

"My bad." I said. I turned my attention back to what must be Elizabeth. "See, though? It's got humor and tells people to leave you alone." I joked. She didn't react. I pulled out my notebook and continued my drawing. Well, at least I can get some "work" done.
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gotta love detention, right?