Mr. Fix It

Flashback: The Plan

"So then what happened?" he prodded. Jeez, this guy is all up in my Kool Aid! Oh well, he wants to hear it.

"Well, time went by, and my first week in school was up. I made a bunch of friends, all of which hated one another. The only place I could go that provided any mutual racial diversity was my school's GSA-"

"What's a GSA?" he interrupted. God, what kind of retarded shrink doesn't know of the best non-drug prozak ever?!

"It stands for gay straight alliance. Like, I joined it 'cause it gave me hope considering my last school didn't have one. Turned out, though, that it was basically a place for the outcasts to go." I said, looking down. Now that I realize it, I was the only one in there who had friends other than one another.

"Anyways," I continued, "we would talk for hours and make posters for fun events and celebrate all these crazy pride days. I mean, all the posters we made usually got destroyed before first lunch and hardly anyone came to our fundraisers because most of us couldn't tell our parents, so we kinda became a support group."

"How's that?" the doc asked.

"Well, like, if someone came out of the closet, they'd either give us hope or we'd give them comfort. I mean, face it, hardly any parent out there is happy when they realize that their kid is a queer." I informed him. Gee, maybe that's why so many whackos that come in here are depressed! Maybe that's why all those meds never fixed me. But none of these quacks ever considered that...

"It was funny, though. One day we were discussing how much everyone gets picked on and bullied, and suddenly someone looked at me. 'How do you have so many friends?' he asked so honestly. It was actually kind of sad when I revealed my secret was staying in the closet. Our teacher changed the subject to why something like acceptance was so important, and some genius in the back of the 'circle' brought up Columbine. That's kind of how I got the idea. That, and the movie John Q."

"How did John Q give you the idea?" He asked.

"Ever sit and play word association with yourself? I mean, that's why people think I have ADHD, but I don't, I'm just always hyped up on meds and my mind goes a mile a minute because I think too fast. I'm a genius, not a mental case. Anyways, John Q, while trying to save his kid initially, saved the lives of all his hostages. He opened their eyes and helped them and I just thought how many people start praying to God when they think they're going to die? How many people go back and think of all the decisions they'd go back and change the second a gun is staring them in the face?"

He looked at me. Yup, he thought I was crazy. Admittedly, I probably sounded rather Joker/Tell-Tale Heart status, but seriously, we've all considered stuff like this before, right?

"That's when I realized, all I need is to give these people a reason to open their eyes. I was sick of waiting. We needed change and we needed it immediatly. I wanted to solve all the problems; I wanted to be Mr. Fix it."
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haha, yeah, just wait for my next update when it gets all insane and dramatic and tragic, etc! haha. gimme some feedback, loves! i wanna entertain you properly, afterall.