Red Death



I stormed out of the office, my red hair flying loose out of its ponytail. My green eyes were full
of anger.

This is the last straw!, I screamed to myself.

I’m going to show him where he can shove his power; I fumed as sparks zinged off me.

I was thankful that this was no normal place or humans would be running away from me

I smiled to myself, as I rounded the corner and started to cool off. As much as that would be
funny to see, I would have gotten my title as a mage taken off me, simply because it would
be blowing their cover of being a normal person to smithereens.

I sighed as I came upon the hidden room. It was called that because this was how they
came to the immortal realm and how they got out. It took them back to the mortal realm,
where they mixed in with the crowds and act normal. It was hard but it was not impossible

I walked into the room with lead into a big high ceiling circular room, it walls were black
which shone with silver. There were little alcoves in the sides of the wall where it would take
you back to your mortal home; it would make it look like you have been there the whole time.

‘Tasha!’ someone called out.

I spun around and saw a girl, which was of average height and had blonde shoulder length

The girl approached me, she looked a bit tired.

‘Hey Becca you look a bit tired there,’ Tasha joked.

‘Ha, yeah, says the one that almost got herself kicked out of the office for almost stuffing up
her job,’ Becca shot back.

‘Hey! Leave my job out of this!’ I said annoyed.

‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, same old thing huh?’ Becca asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and started to move towards one of the alcoves, ‘As far as I’m
concerned he can expect my resignation soon. I’m not going to put up with all of this crap for
too long.’

Becca shook me head, ‘Well I guess he is taking it a bit too far, although…’

‘No Becca,’ I cut in. ‘As far as I’m concerned there aren’t a lot of mages running around this
realm and I can get a job just like that, anywhere.’

‘I know Tasha it’s just that you’re past isn’t going to help you either’

I stopped in my tracks, my hands clenched into fists, ‘Never mention my past Becca, never.
As far as I’m concerned that never happened. With that I stepped into one of the alcoves and
I opened my eyes in the mortal realm.

You never really felt anything when you transported between realms, it was as easy as

I looked around me bedroom, trying to find something to take me mind off what Becca had
said. Yeah sure it wasn’t going to help if someone blabbed about me past, but there were only three people in the whole realm that knew about me past. Me eyes fell upon a book of
Wasim history and I picked it up and began to read.

Becca never meant anything by it but it had still hit me hard, Becca was a kind, caring friend
who only had my best interest at heart. Becca specialized in the art of healing with the help
of herbs and spices, I wrinkled up my nose, and the mixtures weren’t exactly tasteful either.

They had known each other since they both began at the same school in the immortal
realm, they had met when I found myself in a difficult situation with a few boys. Becca had
come along and helped me get out of it.

I checked the time on my watch, it was 8:15 am, and I looked out the window and stood up.

Walking to my cupboard and getting out of my mage’s work clothes and put on mortal
clothes, which was a black tank top with a pair of denim jeans that sort of flared at the
bottom. I picked up a hair brush and brushed my wild, red hair back into a ponytail.

I sighed and walked out of the room and down the hallway to the kitchen, picking an apple
up from the fruit basket from the table and slung my bag over one of my shoulders.

As I walked out the door Becca was waiting for me, but I just walked past her and took a bite
of my apple.

‘So, have you done your essay?’ questioned Becca.

I pulled out sheets of paper stapled together and gave it to Becca, ‘You could say that,’ I said
and bit my apple again.

Becca stood gaping at the essay, she then shook her head and handed it back, ‘I don’t
know how you do it. Two jobs one mortal, one immortal, plus school and homework. Do you
ever get any sleep?’

I smiled, ‘Of course I get sleep or I would not be able to do all of this, its called balancing
things.’ Then a thought came to me, ‘Which reminds me, have you done your essay?’

The other girl shook her head, ‘You know I don’t do it till the last minute, but it’s never as
good as yours. I don’t know how you do it, I wish I was half as good as you, then I’ll get good
marks like you.’

‘Well Becca, the secret to my work is lots of drafting and editing,’ I said as I bit my apple

‘Pfft, I couldn’t do that, you know I can’t.’

I grinned, ‘yeah I know and I use that to my advantage.’

Becca ducked in to punch me in the arm, but I was quicker and punched Becca in the arm
and moved away from her.

‘Hey! No fair!’ Becca called out rubbing her arm.

‘Who said anything is fair?’ I called out throwing the rest of the apple at Becca and legged it
to the mortal school.
♠ ♠ ♠
hmm, took long to redo this chapter but please people fi you read please comment
much appreciated thanks!