Red Death



I smiled as i hung up, it seems as if she was nervous but awestruck.

I know i should stay away from her but i couldn't help myself, it seemed i couldn't stay away from her, she seemed to be an addicting drug that i couldn't stop taking.

Sighing i looked up as a knock came at the door to my room, 'who is it?'

'Vulgar,' came the gruff reply.

Scowling i got up,' what do you want? You have disappointed me you left when you knew there was a lead.'

'I was thirsty,' Vulgar replied as he walked in, i glared at him.

'So? it doesn't matter that was just being selfish,' i growled my hands balling up into fists.

'So? i don't care if i was or not.'

I swung and my fist connecteed with his nose breaking it, it made a loud crack as it broke. He flinched and then swung back at me and i dodged.

I growled and he growled back, as it turned up to a punch fight, the furniture in my room getting smashed up as we threw chairs, beds, cupboards and punches at each other.

My room seriously turned into a battle field, it was the fight to death. That was until Brolgar turned up with his lackeys.

Five had to secure me since i was still wound up, but Vulgar took most of my hits and only one needed to hold him up.

I snarled at him, 'YOU DARED TO DISOBEY ME!!'

'Rogue calm yourself,' demanded Brolgar as he took in the completely distroyed room.

My breath slowed as i did and i looked at Brolgar brushing his lackeys off me, 'you give me
something like that piece of crap to take over when he doesn't even listen to me. I don't take that and i will kill him if he does it again Brolgar.'

'I understand Rogue and i respect that but you must think that this would not help, we need him here, i would send him back to the immortal realm, but like i've already said we need him here,' Brolgar stated.

I glared, 'i will kill him next time though Brolgar.'

'I understand that Rogue and i will give you permission for that when necessary,' he said.

Sitting down i indicated for Brolgar's lackeys to let go of Vulgar and grin when he dropped to the floor.

Vulgar picked himself up off the floor and glared at me before walking out of the door.

'He is a thorn in my side,' i mumbled.

'Well Rogue as much as i'd love to stick around i must leave,' and with that Brolgar walked out, his lackeys following him.

I scoffed and walked out the door going down the hallway to a room that wasn't distroyed, i'll have to clean up the other room later, but for now i was going to have a little nap so i was ready to meet Tasha again this afternoon.