Red Death



I waited at the park wondering what was taking her so long, it was weird that the night felt so
still, I had felt dread fill me as Vulgar had come home complaining that the Avenger had
gotten away form him.

I had asked him what the gender and looks, he had described Tasha well and she was not
answering her phone.

I paced around the park anxiety getting to me; she looked like someone that would be on
time and not late.

The clock passed eight and then went on till nine; I began to chew on my bottom lip, which
didn’t hurt.

As soon as the clock struck nine I decided to go check on her and ran very fast to her house.
No one would have noticed my passing jus that a slight breeze had picked up. As soon as I came to the street I smelt the blood and my eyes widen., please let it not be her, I chanted to myself as I ran right up to her door and pushed it open. The smell was much, much stronger and I walked right into the kitchen, the blood was everywhere.

Then the sound of a fading heart hit me and I looked around until I found her body. It was
right next to the table, covered in blood, her hands looked as if they had stretched out to
catch her fall which it must have done but had slipped from the blood and fell.

There were bloodied hand prints on the table and I walked over to her, what liked like a
dead body, who was still alive. I knelt down beside her and pushed her hair out of her face, I needed to see her face, I needed to know what she was feeling right now.

Her face looked as if she was fighting for her life, her face far and forlorn. I felt her magic
flaring from her, something I hadn’t felt before. She was struggling and I looked over her
body for the source of all the blood. It came from her neck, where it looked as if it had been ripped open by fangs.

Vulgar’s fangs, meaning…

My eyes widened and I cleared the blood away from the area and I brought my lips to the
wound, licking it closed.

I couldn’t stop the venom now it was deep into her bloodstream; I didn’t want it to happen to
her but… I couldn’t stop it.

I cried out in frustration and picked up her, carrying her out of the house.

I ran quickly through the streets and towards the park and behind that was the forest,
running through the trees.

Finally I came to the waterfall and walked in covering Tasha’s body with mine, behind it was
a door and I walked in. There were a couple of beds and that was it, I had begun to make it
just in case the Avengers had found us.

Now it would accommodate a wounded Avenger, one that was now changing, now that her
heart was not struggling to keep blood in and around her body, it was now struggling to
keep the venom out which was failing hard.

I placed her on one of the beds and sat beside her head, putting my head in my hands as I
felt her heart give way to the venom, she was changing…
♠ ♠ ♠
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