Red Death



The first thing i saw was Rogue's eyes and i was cofused at the complexity of everything
and that was when realisation settled in.

'No...' i whispered.

'I'm sorry Tasha' he murmerred.

I looked down at my hands that were now pale, she coughed and rolled over to her side,
curling up and she closed her eyes, not wanting Rogue to see her cry.

What was wrong with her? she should get up an face everything like she usually do but...
This? it was far beyond any mistake it was fatal for someone that use to be an Avenger, they
would kill you even on the spot even your best friends. They didn't care about you after you
were bitten and turned as you were no longer the person you once were. Why did it happen
to her? Couldn't it have happen to someone else?

'Tasha...' Rogue tried again and she felt him move away.

Silently she began to cry, it was the first time she had ever cried since her mother had died,
she didn't want to admit it but she was scared. Scared as to what might happen now, how
Becca would react when she found out, scared that whoever had bitten her would come
back to finish her off. She didn't know if she still had her powers.

Carefully sitting up, she looked up at a chair and focused on it, completely forgetting about

She mumbled a spell and the chair went flying straight into the wall smashing to pieces and
scaring her to hell. Not only had she turned but her powers had manifest greater than

Blinking she looked at the movement in the corner of her eye and saw Rogue staring at her.

'You...' he couldn't form the words.

'I didn't know. i thought i had lost them,' she whispered.

He frowned, 'We must get back to the mansion,' he murrmered and pulled out his cell
phone dialing a number.

'WAIT!' Tasha yelled before she knew she was doing.

'i'm sorry Tasha but we need to move you out of that house now, you are one of us and i
doubt they will stop to think twice about you once they see you,' Rogue said sadly knowing
the history well.

She sighed and nodded thinking of Becca again, a slight burning in her throat.

Rogue began speaking and then he looked at her, before hanging up.

He sighed and walked towards the door, 'we better get moving if we are going to get to your
house before the alarm is raised.'

She nodded and got up off the bed following Rogue through the door.
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