Red Death



I began to walk back through the forest, Tasha keeping pace with me, her eyes locked onto the path ahead of us.

I wonder what she is thinking, she seemed to have gotten over the fact that she was now a vampire instead of an Avenger, or maybe she hasn' and is just really good at hiding it. I sighed. I can't love her, she doesn't love me, but i... NO I DO NOT LOVE HER !! THe little voice in the back of my head joined in, oh but you do. But i CAN'T! oh but you can.

I looked sideways at Tasha again, her red hair now a cascade of a deep red, like the same colour of blood, her green eyes now an ice blue, I sighed i was going to miss her deep green eyes.

She caught me looking and i looked ahead as we started to come up to the town park, 'So Tyson will be meeting us at your house to gather up the possessions that you want to take with you and then we will move it all over to our house.'

Her face was expressionless but i knew she was thinking something over, 'But wouldn't it become too crowded inn your place? Like wouldn't i become a bit of a burden to have around, like wouldn't i cause fights and stuff?'

I chuckled, 'Tasha our "house" can house a whole army of vampires AND still be able to house more vampires. Plus you won't be a burden because there is only three... well four of us now living inour "house." Our "house" is actually a mansion and plus Vulgar won't be troubling you for a while,' my eyes grew hard at the name of Vulgar.

She shook her head, 'Who is Vulgar? I don't believe i have met him before.'

I sighed, 'Vulgar is the one that bit you...'

She stopped and I looked into her wide eyes that clearly showed her fear, I took her hands in mine. 'Tasha i will not let him get his hands on you again, i will be there for you no matter what i will NOT let him hurt you again, never for as long as i live.'

Her eyes watched me and they grew calmer and she nodded, 'I believe you.'

I smield and started to walk again making sure that i still had one of hr hands in mine, we got to the main street and i looked down it, quickly ducking back into the shadows.

'Let me guess the sun has already come out? why didn't we run or power walk?'

'Because Tasha it would make all the other vampires in the region suspious really,' i said in a matter of fact tone.

She sighed, 'ok ok so how we gettinhg across the street, my house is on the other side and i don't think you want people to see how transparent we are in the sun.'

'I know that,' I flipped open my phone and quickly dialled Tyson's number giving him quick instructions to get us some hooded coats and to get over here. I hung up and looked around us.

'Why did you bother to help me? i could be dead by now and you wouldn't have to worry about me, i'm not worth that much, our... i mean the Avengers were not a great race to be helping, i would have been one less Avenger but you helped me to keep me living why? You wouldn't have to go through so much trouble if i was dead,' she said.

I gaped at her and then i was angry, she thought she wasn't worth this trouble to keep her alive!!

In less than a second i had her pinned up against the wall, my hands on either side of her, my eyes showed my anger as i stared into her frightful eyes. 'Don't you say that! Don't you EVER say that! You are worth more than anyone in the world! Do you hear me? Never EVER say it!'

She nodded frightfully and i began to calm down, she was soo CLOSE to me, come on just kiss her you know you want to. You know you NEED her, i looked into her eyes my arms staying on either side of her, caging her in.

I fought against the erge but i couldn't help it and i lowered my head until our lips meet.