Red Death



I sighed as the dead body slipped from my fingers and fell to the concrete ground, my eyes
now a normal deep icy blue.

My pale fingers brushed the dead girl's brunette hair out of her face, I sighed, such a pretty
face, beautiful deep green eyes.

Shaking my head I slipped out of the alley an walked in the shadows of the streets, the
sunlight shining down on the street.

My eyes focused on two girls walking down the the other side, laughing in the sun, the red
head threw an apple at the other girl an legged it.

I watch the other girl run after the red head, shouting curses at her, I smiled slightly.

Human play always interested me, they didn't know how easy they had it, it bugged me
when others like me were stuck here to find an kill The Avengers here on earth when the
others got to stay in the immortal Realm hunting there.

The shadows became shorter but it didn't worry me as I open a door and stepped in
knowing that this was the right plae.

We stayed in a flashy mansion, as we were creatures of comfort and modernism, though
they rarely felt anything, it was a bonus to feel good about the place you live even if you cant
be in the immortal realm.

A punch launched my way an I ducked under it just as quickly and pulled the other vampire's
arm behind his back.'Oh so this is the reception I get as soon as I walk into OUR home,' I asked as I recognisedthe other vampire. His name was Vulgar and rarely controlled his anger, i swore that one day it would get it him killed one day.

'Rogue you know as well as I do that there IS no reception,' he grinned showing his fangs.

I rolled my eyes an let his arm go and flung myself in one of the red sofas, 'so any news of
the where abouts of our pretty little Avengers?'

Vulgar shook his head, 'I don't know why they keep us here either, it really pisses me off.
can't they get over the fact that there are none here?'

I snorted and filcked the big screen TV on, 'do they even care about what we want?'

Vulgar's eyes flicked to my eyes an away, 'you went hunting without me.'

I knew it wasn't a question but a statement but i retorted anyway, 'i don't care wether i hunted
or not without you Vulgar, but i could simply not hang around here till you came back with no
good news,' I shrugged. 'Besides i hate hunting with you, you loose your temper easily and
then the hunt becomes a ruined mess, when humans run everywhere screaming, that there
is a monster running around and then we have to wait until it all goes out of the media and
the rumours die down. I couldn't care less that i went without you this time,' My blue eyes
glanced up at him than at the TV screen.

'FINE BE THAT WAY!!' Vugar yelled and stomped up the stairs fuming, if i wasn't so wound
up by his statement i would of taken a picture shoved it in his face an laughed. which of
course would of made him even more angry an try an take my head off, i would of just
broken his arm and laid back down on the sofa again.

My eyes strayed to the black heavy curtain that kept the sun out, I sighed, sun complicated a
lot of things.

I couldn't remember anything before the time I was born, all i could remember was opening
my eyes and looking my teacher straight in the eyes. I had wished I remembered my past but i couldn't.

My eyes strayed back to the TV again, the black raven haired girl talking about the latest
news, one unknown death and three suicides. The soliders in Rukia were doing bad and
they were going to admit defeat soon.

Yet again I find myself thinking mortal problems petty, stupid and most of all weak.

I yawned and closed my eyes, i slept during the day because there was nothing to do BUT

I drifted off dreaming black dreams as usual, as there were nothing in life for us to be
interested in of for life to interest in us.
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yea i know took me awhile but i got there LOL
been having some troubles at home an school