Red Death



I bolted through the door and what I saw made me growl with anger. Vulgar was on top of Tasha taunting her.

I was by his side in a second throwing Vulgar off of her, my eyes were a deep crimson red, I was so angry I could tear him to pieces but I needed him as my master had explained.

‘Vulgar. Touch her again and I will gladly rip your dead heart out of your chest and burn it,’ I growled.

He laughed, ‘Rogue my friend I was only playing with her.’

I heard her hiss, ‘by the sound of that it was merely more than just play, your jealous are you?’

His hands balled up into fists and I watched them as they did hoping that they would not get into another fight again.

‘I turned her,’ he growled.

‘By accident,’ I replied.

His fist came crashing down on the desk next to the wall.

‘You want your own women go and bite another one but you cannot have Tasha, she has already pledged herself to me, not you,’ I stated and I grabbed her arm pulling her close into me.

She leaned into me and I could feel her weakness after the use of her magic, ‘now if you don’t mind I have to feed my little fledgling before she dies of hunger.’

Vulgar after he had finished mauling the desk stood aside his eyes cast downwards.

I pulled Tasha alongside me as I could tell she was still trying to sort herself out.

I couldn’t figure it out; she was such a strong headed girl when I first met her but now? Now she was so unsure of everything around her it was as if she was a very fragile breakable thing. But I was pretty sure that she would snap out of it soon enough.

She stayed quite the whole time as I navigated our way around the moonlit streets, most of the humans were asleep but there were still a few that were out drinking and clubbing and so I led Tasha into a dark alleyway and told her to wait.

She stood there waiting obediently, again the same thoughts passed through my head.

I stepped out of the alley way and I pretended to run into a blonde girl with brunette highlights, ‘Oh shit sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.’

She giggled, ‘oh don’t worry I was just wondering if there was someone that could like walk me home, I really don’t want to go alone, if you know what I mean.’

The blonde trailed her fingers up my arm, ‘of course I know what you mean, come one lets take the short cut.’

‘Great, let’s go.’ She said and grabbed my arm as I led her into the alley, this is too easy.

Tasha must have smelt the blood cause as soon as the girl took five paces into the alley Tasha had her pinned to the wall and her fangs buried deep into her neck. The girl didn’t even have time to register as to what had happened because; her face still wore the slutty expression she was wearing when we had entered the alleyway.

The body flopped to the ground and I looked up to see a strong Tasha looking for more, her eyes were now a deep blue, I smiled to myself, ‘my dear Tasha we most not take too much from the human race.’

She sighed, ‘but the blood tastes so GOOD.’

I chuckled, ‘I know my love but they won’t be any good to us if they all die out.’

She walked to me and snuggled into my side now content, ‘ok, ok, ok I get the point.’

‘That’s good then,’ I placed my fingers underneath her chin and lifted her face and kissed her.