Red Death



I woke with her in my arms and our clothes all around us, my shirt in shreds. I couldn’t believe what had overcome me when we had joined last night it was so… magical. That was the only way I could put it when there was no better word then that.

I gently untangled myself from her and put my clothes on, but my shirt stayed on the ground as it was in pieces, I could tell I was going to have to call Tristan to get us some hoodies again.

She woke up and smiled up at me and I smiled back, sitting down and placing her head in my lap as I kissed her, ‘Morning lovely.’

She smiled and kissed me back, ‘morning handsome.’

Slowly she stood up and got back dressed and as she did I called Tristan again, but my eyes stayed locked on Tasha.

‘Hello Tristan speaking.’

‘Oi Tristan we need a couple of hoodies again, sorry mate,’ I said and it sounded like he cursed in the back ground and then there was a thump.

‘Yea ok I’ll be there in about five minutes when I go and BUY new ones.’

I chuckled, ‘yeah yeah, ok mate see you then.’

I hung up and then Tasha was kissing me again, I chuckled as I kissed her back, ‘hunny my dear you sure you want to go to school again today?’

She yawned, ‘not today no, but I do need to go clothes shopping remember?’

‘Ah yes clothes shopping,’ I screwed my nose up at the thought, I hated going clothes shopping it was so dull.

‘I don’t know who likes clothes shopping out of the both of up but yea I currently have no clothes apart from the ones I’m wearing and I need a shower.

I glanced at her and remembered that she hadn’t had a shower and that she still had blood all over her.

‘Oh yeah um you might need to go for the shower first, I don’t’ think the shoppers and workers want to freak out that you’re a murder on the run.’

She smiled and laughed, ‘yeah I guess that would be a good idea.’

Just then Tristan turned the corner and we both looked at him, he smiled as he pushed his hood back and gave us the hoodies.

‘So it seems a couple of vampires got a little cosy last night out on the streets, in a dark alleyway with,’ he looked at the dead drain body of the blonde girl. ‘With a dead girl not to mention drained blonde for and audience,’ He grinned like an idiot at his little evaluation.

I sidled over to him and smacked him on the back of the head, ‘quite and if you tell anyone I will wring your neck and I will make sure that you die a slow and painful death.’

Tasha chuckled and so did Tristan, ‘I never had a thought on doing such a thing.’

‘Good,’ I said and slipped on the hoodie grabbing hold of Tasha’s hand and walking out of the alley.

Tristan followed behind us and we started to walk back to the mansion.

All I could think of was last night and how she felt so perfect how I loved her so much. I treasured Tasha so much, she was my whole life now and I would always try and protect her no matter how much trouble it is, she is my life and I want her to stay with me forever.