Red Death



The water ran down my body as I soaped and scrubbed myself trying to get the blood off my body. I couldn’t believe how much there was, I must have been such a nice smelling tasty snack when I was an Avenger.

After I scrubbed my body I washed my hair, I still couldn’t believe how deathly pale white my skin was, it was a weird changed, my red hair was now dead straight and was a deeper red which sort of looked like a mahogany colour.

My eyes were not a green anymore as I had found out; they were an ice blue which was a major change for me.

I shut the water off and stepped out of the shower dripping wet and wrapped a soft black towel around me and stepped out of the bathroom into my/Rogue’s room. I walked into the cupboard and slipped on a long shirt of Rogue’s and laughed as it came down to my knees.

I then brushed my hair up into a bun to keep my wet hair from wetting any of my clothes. I then put on foundation and mascara. Plus eyeliner and I applied red lipstick. I didn’t want Becca knowing who I was, as it is she would have to kill me on the spot and now that I had Rogue I didn’t want to die not when I could spend eternity with him.

I slipped on a pair of thongs and then grabbed a black belt and wrapped it around my waist.

Slowly I turned around and sat down on the bed and pulled out my mobile, there had been thirty-three missed calls from her and another hundred and fifty text messages. I deleted all the messages and the missed calls and sighed.

‘Let me guess she is trying to get a hold of you?’ asked Rogue as he came and slipped and arm around me.

‘Yeah you guessed right, she is very persistent. I think I need to get a new phone,’ I sighed.

‘It’s alright I get you one while your getting your clothes,’ he said casually.

I smiled and lightly kissed him, ‘you just don’t want to look at clothes all day.’

‘You got that right,’ he chuckled.

‘Oh well,’ I stood up and walked to the door, ‘I have to get clothes I can’t go around wearing my boyfriend’s long shirts all the time because I’d look scabby.’

He came up and wrapped his arms around me, ‘you don’t look scabby you look beautiful.’

I smiled up at him and kissed him on the tip of his nose, ‘come on we have to go get me my clothes.’

I looked at a rack full of clothes and wondered if I already had enough, I had plenty of long black pants with plenty of shirts used for fighting. I had also bought a pair of sunnies so then I could wear them and not be blinded by the sun.

I shrugged and turned around as soon as I felt a familiar presence behind me; I thought it might be Rogue. But as I looked I saw it was Becca.

I bit my lip and continued to look at the rack, she was arguing with the shop owner.

I moved closer so I could listen.

‘What do you mean you haven’t seen her?’ Becca demanded.

‘Just that I have not seen a red head within the past three days,’ the shop owner replied

Soon as Becca came in, she stalked out of the shop and I walked out casually pretending I never heard anything and I sat down at a table where Rogue and I had planned at the start. I drummed my fingers on the table top and stared at nothing.

I felt hands cover up my eyes and I smiled, ‘Rogue your such a tease.’

He kissed me on the top of my head and sat down, ‘I know.’ He slid a bag towards me and I opened it and saw my new mobile phone in it.

It was black and had silver buttons and it was the newer model of the mobile.

I kissed him, ‘thank you ever so much. Oh by the way I saw Becca today, actually about ten minutes ago, they are looking for me.’

He growled underneath his breath, ‘alright well we better get out of here before she recognises you.’

I nodded and stood up collecting all my bags and I felt something in my pocket and fished it out, ‘oh Rogue? Can you send this for me?’

He smiled, ‘of course now go to the car and I’ll meet you there.’

I made my way back to the black Mercedes and dumped my bags into the back slipping into the front seat and fiddling with my mobile phone, my old phone rang in my pocket and I glanced at the number, it was Becca.

As soon as it stopped ringing I took the sim out and I put both the phone and sim in a trash can and got back into the car.

Soon Rogue joined me and started the car, ‘I can’t believe that they are still looking.’

I mumbled something and he looked at me, ‘what was that?’

‘Their looking for me because I’m like my mother,’ I said and looked down.

‘Yeah and? What’s so good about that?’ he questioned.

I sighed, ‘my mum was an avenger but had a faint trace of vampire blood in her, vampires killed her when I was born but they left me alive and left a note behind.’

I could feel his gaze on me as I explained, ‘they said that I was going to be just like my mother but powerful, that I could only be useful to the one I pledge my life to. I was only five and I burned down a whole city, when I was ten I massacred a whole human crowd, when I was eleven my anger killed and destroyed everything within a two mile radius from me.’ I sighed and put my head in my hands, ‘I’m a weapon they wanted to use against our kind, the vampire kind.’