Red Death



I sighed as i tapped my pencil to the rhythm of a song that was playing in my ears, i was
trying to hurry the boring class of human history along.

Someone tapped my shoulder an i jumped looking up at the person behind me, 'yes?'

'Oh um i thought you would like to know that the class was over,' the girl behind me
mumbled standing up an going.

'Oh ok,' i replyed and stuffed my books in my bag.

I then realised i had work and run outside the gate, Becca waved to me as i passed and i
threw a quick smile her way.

I ran into an alleyway clicking my fingers, my magic changing my school clothes into my
work clothes.

Running out of the alley i almost ran into a brown haired boy, he looked like he need some

I slowed my run down to a walk and walked into a store called Dymocks and i walked
behind the counter.

Sitting down i reached in and pulled out a copy of The Vampires, they were people who in
the immortal world were distroyed for being who they were. Their skin was deathly pale and
their eyes were an icy blue. They drank the blood of anything living though they preferred
human blood.

To any mortal the book would look like a soppy love story, I laughed silently to myself, i
hated soppy love stories.

Dymocks was only a small buisness so the staff were allowed to do something if there
were no costumers.

I sighed and brushed my hair out of my face as i read on about the vampires.

I was about to close the book when something caught my eye, the vampires were after what
was called The Avengers, as The Advangers were killing off the vampire. The Avengers
were people that were mages and they worked in the immortal realm.

The Advengers were after the vampires simply because that they hated the vampires for
what they were.

I sat there thinking, i thought that we hunted vampires because they once killed our young
kin. I frowned, so that was what i once thought.

'Maybe there is a typo somewhere,' i mumbled to myself.

'Or maybe you just need to look up and notice your customers,' said a really annoying males
voice that expected to be served whenever he wanted.

I looked up and glared at him, all i could see was his black hair as he was wearing a pair of

'An what do you want?' i asked annoyed.

He slid a book across towards me, i picked it up an scanned it. 'fifty-six sixty,' i murmered wanting to get back to my reading.

He slid a card to me and i pushed it into teh crad slot and gave him his card.

'Credit or savings?' i asked.

'Credit' he replied and i typed it all out giving him a reciept and his book in the bag.

He smiled at me, 'must be one boring of a job for you to be talking to yourself.'

I glared at him, 'no im just sick and tired of typos, got a problem with that?'

He grinned, 'as a matter of fact i do. As i am a sane person im going to give you a tip, stop
talking to yourself as it will help get you through through the long boring hours of work.'

I rolled my eyes, 'yeah right like that would help.'

He grinned an turned away walking out the door.

Man i hate people like that! i fumed to myself. i bugs me sooo much its unbelieveable.

I sighed as i sat down to reading the book again.
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please comment i want to know how im going!