Red Death



I walked out of the store quietly laughing to myself, I had seen that same red head twice

today and man didn’t she act fiery. It’s a wonder that they hadn’t sacked her yet; I chuckled to

myself again and then continued to walk in the shadows.

Man it had been a long day or what? Today just never seemed to want to end, I sighed.

Maybe it was the fact that there were no Avengers here and that their leaders wouldn’t

believe them.

I had just gotten out of a meeting with our leader, he is still persistent that there were some

still here and that the seer was still seeing them.

I sighed frustrated and pushed the door open and stepped inside, I looked over to the

computer where Tyson was killing himself on trying to work it out. I chuckled he had bought

it to try and figure out how the human things work I walked over to him and plunked the book

down on the desk.

He looked up at me, ‘have a look at it,’ I grinned.

Tyson looked at the front cover and read the title out, ‘The Complete Computers for

Dummies,’ he frowned.

I burst out laughing as he looked up and glared at me, ‘is this some sort of joke?’

I rolled my eyes, ‘you want to work that contraption out so I thought I’d help you a bit.’

He continued to glare at me; I just shrugged my shoulders and began to walk up the steps

when I remembered something.

‘Oh by the way Tyson, where were you this morning?’ I questioned.

He looked up at me from the book, ‘I was out scouting an area south of the high school.’

I raised an eyebrow, ‘Did you find anything?’

He nodded, ‘Yes sir in fact I did.’

‘And what was it Tyson, another dog or perhaps a little girl child that just so happened to

come along to find some matches? Well what was it?’ I demanded.

‘It… it was Avengers. Two of them,’ I glared at him.

‘When, where, how and most importantly why didn’t you tell me before I made a complete

fool of myself in front of our leader?’

‘You wouldn’t listen to me and I found out when I was walking along past some human

house when I found a scent of The Avengers,’ he replied.

I nodded, finally we were getting somewhere, ‘alright I want to know where they go at all

times and if you can find out what they look like and how powerful they are we will need

every bit of detail to stage this attack.’

He nodded, ‘oh and while I’m on a topic of where everyone is where is Vulgar?’

‘Oh, um, Rogue?’

I looked at him, ‘Yes? Where is he Tyson?’

‘He, um said he went hunting,’ he said really fast.

‘WHAT!! Did you tell him that you had a lead?’ I fumed.

‘Y...Y.Yes I did but he said that he was thirsty and took off.’

I spun on my heels and up to my room, how could he! He knew that he would stuff this up

and we would have to wait for weeks before we could make a move!

I picked up a chair and smashed it against the wall, splinters going everywhere, I was so

angry I wanted to kill something.

I jumped out of my open window and into the dark alleyway, lucky no one was around when I

made that jump. I then when for a human paced run which would get my mind off things.
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Please let me know how im going