Red Death



I locked the book store up and began to walk home, what a bloody day.

First that black haired stuck up no it all comes an then all of a sudden evryone comes in,

glares at the pavement with my hands in my pocket.

It was dark and walking in the street didn't bother me, as i knew that there was nothing here

that could possibly kill me.

I sighed and walked on passing streets and down more alleyways, i had nothing to do

tonight so i guess i would work on my resignation letter.

I frowned, It was quite for Middleton, usually there were people all around, laughing and

carrying on. Cars driving and parties happening, frowned at this bit of infromation.

what could make middleton so quite on a night like this? i glanced up at the new moon. it

was dark yes but the dark never frightened me... until now.

Frowning i quickened my pace, maybe something happened today and i never found out

because its not in the newspaper yet.

I bent my head down, thinking and i didn't notice that i had slowed down to a walk again.

Why was tonight so different? was there a vampire here after all?

I pulled out my mobile and dialed Becca's number, maybe she knew about something.

"hello?" answered Becca.

'Hey bec it's me Tasha,' i replied.

"Oh hey Tasha hows it going?"

'Yea not bad, hey can you tell me something?'

"I'll try."

'Did anything big happened in Middleton today?'

"Na sorry not that i can tell why?"

'Just step outside and listen, it's soo quite.'

I heard footsteps on the other end of the line and Becca breathing.

"yea your right it is quite wonder why that would be?"

I shrugged, 'i don't know that's why i asked you.'

Becca laughed, "i wouldn't have a clue i'll let you know if i do."

'Ok well thanks talk to you tomorrow.'

"Ok Tasha take care!"

'Bye,' i said and hung up.

I sighed another puzzle to work out by the looks of things, i wonder...

My thoughts stopped there as i ran into someone, i looked up.

It was the black haired stuck up.