Red Death



Someone ran right into me as i rounded the corner and i glared down at the person.

It was the red head girl from the book store and the one that threw the apple.

She looked up at me, her green eyes full of surprise.

I couldn't help myself and chuckled.

She seemed to glare at me, 'Whats so funny?' she demanded.

'Your expression little miss,' I replied.

If looks could kill, i told myself as she stood there glaring like i was the most annoying

person she had ever come across. Well im not a person, i corrected myself.

'So you just going to stand in my way or get out of my way? she demanded again, but i

notice her look at the night sky before looking back at me.

'Hmm... I think i mightstand here,' i said annoying her even more. It felt like my heart had

skipped a beat, hang on wait a second it can't have, i;m a vampire we are not living things!

'MEN!' she cried out and threw her hands up in the air in frustration, making me snap out of

my own world. 'They can't do anything right,' she fumed.

'So what? we are difficult yes, but it dosen't mean we can't do anything, ' i retorted.

She looked at me again, 'just move.'

Something popped into my head, 'how about i walk you home instead.'

That seemed to bring her up short and think, 'i don't think that is a good idea,' she said


'Why not? i don't see any problem with it.'

She sighed and looked up, 'alright just don't try anything funny.'

I rolled my eyes, 'why would i?' there is a million things why i would, say for instance drink

your blood.

'I don't know,' she replied and pusheed past me, her arm brushing up against my arm.

I felt her blush and smiled keeping up with her easily, 'so what's your name?' i asked after a

while of silence.

She mumbled something which i caught but pretended to have missed it, leaning closer to

her more.

'It's Tasha,' she repeated. 'Yours?'

'Rogue,' I said proud of my name.

'Funny name,' she replied stopping and looking straight into my eyes.

'Isn't it? I reckon that my parents didn't like me much when i was born.'

Rolling her eyes she kept walking, 'probably though i can see why they must not have liked

you much,'

'Hey!' I yelled defensively and walked beside her again, 'So what i'm different, leave me


She smirked and i chuckled and she couldn't help but laughed then.

My dead heart skipped more beats, what was with this girl? It seems as if she woke my

dead heart making it beat again. How did she do it? i wondered as i looked up at the night

sky when she did.