Red Death



I didn’t know why Rogue, so he puts it, just doesn’t walk away from me as I walk quietly towards my house.

Though I have to admit he is… no he isn’t! He is just an annoying guy that doesn’t like you; he just likes to annoy you to death! My brain screamed at me. True no guys are decent these days, though no guys have taken any interest in me before, why would they change?

I looked at him and blushed as he caught me looking at him and looked down, no definitely not. Why would anyone take any interest in me now? I sighed, oh well a mage and will most likely will be single for the rest of my life.

‘Hey what you thinking?’ Rogue asked me catching me off guard.

I looked up at him, ‘Huh? Oh nothing just thinking about what I got to do tonight.’

‘Which would be?’ he prompted.

I glared up at him, ‘Do I have to tell you everything I’m going to be doing? You’re starting to sound like a stalker at the moment.’

He chuckled, ‘No I was just curious. Though I just wish you would talk to me, it just looks as if something is bothering you really bad.’

I turned away from him and looked up at the sky and glanced around me, still nothing was lurking around and I continued to walk. ‘It’s none of your business,’ I mumbled as I scuffed my shoes against the bitumen.

‘I don’t care I want to know,’ he said persistently.

I scowled at the ground, doesn’t he ever give up? ‘I couldn’t be bother to explain to someone like you.’

‘What do you mean like someone like me?’ he questioned.

‘Just what it means.’

‘Which would be? He prompted.

I sighed and stopped and looked up at him, ‘Someone who doesn’t care about anyone else and is hot and knows it and goes off parading it. You’re someone who doesn’t have anything better to do then bother someone like me.’

‘An what someone would you be?’

I look down, ‘A nobody,’ I said really quickly and start to walk really fast.

He caught up and kept up easily, 'Hey now where did that idea come from?'

'It wasn't an idea someone told me and it's true so don't even bother trying to argue with me.'

'I don't think you are,' he said.

I stopped, 'How would you know you only just met me?'

'True but i can see the potential in you.'

I looked down unsure what to say.