Status: ...fixing this and updating more.

Tragedies Are Never Forgotten

Part One: Chapter 1

Part One: Love

I fell in love in high school. She was a very pretty girl, and shy as anything. From the outside, she was weird and not many people took the time to get to know her. I did. I used to get switched into all of her classes. I’d sit next to her. Then I said ‘hello’ one day in science class.

I walked into the science lab, looking for where she was seated. Like every day, she was in the back, an open spot next to her. I walked in and sat next to her. She took short quick glances at me. She was so cute! And not to mention she looked sexy in her skinny jeans and Atreyu tee shirt. She had dark brown hair that was styled to come around the front of her face. Her deep brown eyes matched her hair. She had two wristbands on each arm. The left side had an Italian flag that red ITALY across the middle, and one that said Jack Skellington from the movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas. On the right side they were both symbols from the band Green Day.

Hello,” I said, unable to hide my smile or my English accent.

“H-hi…” she said shyly, looking up into my eyes. Compared to her, I was a giant at my six foot four inches. She was about Five foot four.

“I’m Jimmy,” I said, trying to get her to relax. She bit her lip.

“I’m Jill,” She said, looking away.

“That’s a pretty name…” I smiled. I reached down to push some of her hair out of her face.

“Don’t touch me,” She growled. I instantly pulled my hand away, startled. Then I smiled. She was feisty too!

“Sorry…” I said softly. “I see you like Atreyu…” I commented.


“What’s your favorite song?” I also liked this band. She was quiet for a minute.

“Ex’s and Oh’s.” she looked back up into my eyes. “What about you?”

“I’d have to say the Crimson.”

“That’s a good song,” She smiled.

By now, the teacher was trying to get the class to quiet down. I ripped a piece of paper from my notebook and wrote on it. I passed it back and forth with her the whole class, just making small talk with her. She had warmed up to me pretty quickly by the time the bell rang.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, at school.
first update of new story i finished yesterday! woot woot
be nice and comment/subscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[december 11, 2009] im not exactly sure why i decided to go back to all of my stories and do something about them... comments?