Status: ...fixing this and updating more.

Tragedies Are Never Forgotten

Part One: Chapter 2

"So...What are you doing tonight?" I asked as we walked into the traffic filled hallway.

"I-uh...I don’t know..." I realized that when she was nervous that she would bite her lip.

"Well...want to go to the football game with me tonight?" I asked.

"S-sure..." she said, sounding unsure.

"Okay, want me to pick you up? I've got my car..."

"Is it at the Route 107 field?" she asked, stopping at a locker.

"Yeah, why?"

"I can just walk. I'll meet you at the swings."

"Okay," I said, walking away. I'd see her later.

The rest of the day was normal, nothing out of the ordinary. But after school, time just seemed to drag on. I finally got through it and was waiting at the swings. I wished I'd taken a number or something; I didn’t need her to stand me up. That would just be sad. I sat on the swing on the end and gently pushed myself back and forth.

"Why are you on my swing?" I heard Jill's voice from behind me. She was standing over a blue BMX bike.

"Where'd you come from?" I asked, getting off 'her' swing. She set down her bike and sat down.

"My house!" she giggled. I smiled, walking behind her. I was glad to see she had warmed up to me.

"No! How'd you get here without me seeing?"

"My house is right through the woods." I took the sides of the swing in my hands, pulling it backwards before pushing her away. Each time she came back, I pushed back. After a while, I ended up on the swing next to hers and we just sat there, talking. We didn’t watch the game, which was okay with me. We won anyways.

"It's getting late, why don’t I walk you home?" I asked, seeing as we were the only people left at the park.

"Okay." she smiled at me. She got up and lifted her bike, stepping over it again. "Why don’t we go around? It will give us more time to talk." she rode around me in a circle.

"Okay," I said, following her. She made sure to go slow so I could keep up. "I hope you had a good time tonight," I said, stopping at the front steps of her house.

"Of course I had a good time!" she giggled. "I love to go on the swings."

"Good. Uh...Do you have a cell phone?"

"Yeah, want my number?" she asked, I pulled out my phone, handing it to her. "Can you text?" she asked, typing quickly.

"Yeah," I said, watching as she sent a text to her phone.

"Okay, me too." she smiled, handing me my phone. I slid it back in my pocked, looking at her back yard. I looked back into her eyes, studying them carefully. I leaned down and gently kissed her cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so the story is divided into three parts. they are listed in the description on the front page.