Status: ...fixing this and updating more.

Tragedies Are Never Forgotten

Part One: Chapter 3

"See you tomorrow," I said, heading for her back yard. "Hey, do you mind if I use your trail to get back to my car?" I asked, turning around. I saw her cheeks were a bright pink.

"Yeah, go ahead." She looked down, as thought she was embarrassed.

"Don’t be shy pretty girl," I said, continuing my walk to my car. I got a text message a few minutes later.

'just so you know, I really did have a good time tonight :)'
I smiled, clicking reply. 'me too. Can I give you a ride to school tomorrow morning?'

It took her a little bit to reply but at least she did. 'do you have MSN messenger? We can talk about it on there'

'Ya I do.'


We talked late into the night about everything. My three year old, Isabella was brought up too. But Jill didn’t seem to mind the fact that I had a daughter. In fact, she had asked me to e-mail a picture of the miniature me. She said that Izzy was adorable. I asked her again if she wanted a ride to school. This time, she finally agreed. I warned her that I would have to drop Izzy off at her preschool.

"Daddy, who's Jill?" Izzy asked softly.

"Jill is a girl that goes to school with me." I couldn’t help but smile.

"I wanna talk..." she reached for the keyboard. I shook my head and pulled her onto my lap.

"You'll meet her tomorrow morning."

"Is she pretty? What color is her hair? Is her hair pretty? Is she tall like you?" the questions just kept coming!

"She's beautiful. Her hair is very pretty and it's brown. But nope, she's smaller than me," I chuckled happily.

"Jimmy! Time to get off the computer!" My mom called. I rolled my eyes. If it wasn’t for needing a place for Izzy to stay, I'd be out of here.

"Okay, go kiss Grammy goodnight," I said, setting her on her feet and giving her a gentle guiding push towards the door.

"Okay." She giggled, skipping out of the room. I sadly told Jill I had to go before shutting off my computer.

"Here Jim, put her to bed." My mom came in with a struggling Izzy in her arms.

"Mum, she likes to walk you know," I said taking her into my arms and hugging her. She struggled again, fussing impatiently.

"I know, but I like being able to hold her!" My mom grinned. I put her in her crib, pulling the blanket over her.

"Good night, sweets," I smiled.

"You should get her a new bed so she's not constantly in her crib."

"Well I don’t have the money, and that lets me know she'll be there when I get up."

"You should get a job..."

"Yeah yeah, I'm going to bed." I walked to the other side of the room laying down in my bed. "Goodnight mom."

"Jimmy, don’t you think it’s time to start actually living, like with a job and paying bills? Especially with Izzy?"

"Mom, please let me sleep... I have a big day tomorrow."

"Why? What's going on?"

"I'm picking up a new friend of mine on my way to Izzy's school."

"Yeah? What's her name? And I'd suggest you use protection unless you want another Izzy."

"Mom, I'm not fucking her." I rolled my eyes. "Her name is Jill."

"Watch your mouth around Izzy!" she scolded. "And that's what you said about Sandy."

"I mean it. Jill and Sandy can't even compare."

"Why? Jill's chest bigger?" she rolled her eyes.

"Mom!" I hissed darkly, glaring at her.

"Well, I want to know if it's true."

"It's not your business at all!"

"You live in my house, I deserve to know!"

"It doesn’t matter. She's beautiful and sweet."

"Yes, you've said that about Sandy," She said, unimpressed.

"Mom, let me sleep," I sighed. She shut the light and closed the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
so.......not too much with this story, yet. this is just the base.

this story made me cry today, so ...just give it a chance and a comment...? :)