In Your Eyes, I Thought I Saw Tomorrow.

Just some fun.

" I love you too Cass." He whispered and kissed my hair.
I layed my head down on his chest a listened to his slowing heartbeat and eventually fell asleep.
It felt so right. Everything felt perfect for once.

That night I had a dream about me and Nixon getting married.
I don't know why, But I did. It made me smile in my dream. And dreaming of him in a would not believe how amazing he looked.!
I was woken up by a pound on the door.
I sat up and put some clothes and went to the door. I unlocked it and cracked it a little.
Nikki and Austin were outside drenched.

"What are you guys doing?' I yawned.
"It started raining, I got scared.' Nikki said.
"Oh, but I mean you couldn't stay in the car, with your protective boyfriend...?" I asked.
"But we were already awake and this place seemed more dry." She smiled.
"Nikki, I love you...but it would have been just as dry if yo ustayed in the car dear." I giggled.
"Uhm not really, we kinda had the window cracked."
"Well then you shoulda rolled it back up smarty.!"
"Yeahhhhhhh......didn't exactly think of doing that. This one was kinda kissing on my.."
"WOAH! EWWWWW Do No Want To Know!" I interuppted.
She smacked. "Not like that you moron.!"
"My god, would you two just shut up. I'm trying to sleep here!" Nixon groaned.
"Too bad, when we are up, you are up. Now, get up.!" I said and jumped on him.
"Oh-hohhhhhh. Get oofffffff." He mumbled.
"You calling me fat?..." I said and got in his face.
"Nooooooo. But imnot saying you weigh five pounds either." He joked.
"Funnyyyyy." I said and got off. "Now you two, may want to leave the room for like five minutes." I said to Nikki and Austin.
"Why's that?" Austin asked.
"Uhhhhhh, I need to get changed, and Nixon needs to get some clothes on." I said quietly.
"Oh MY GOd You DI-"
I slapped my hand over Nikki's mouth."Shut up, or you are dead." I smiled and pushed then to the door.

They left and I went to the bathroom while Nixon got dressed. When I got out he was sitting on the bed.
"So what does this mean?" He asked.
"What does what mean?"
"This, me and you sleeping together."
"Oh, I don't know. For now we can just say it means we had fun over spring break. Then after this is over, and we are home. We can figure it out." I said and looked at him.
"Promise to not let things get weird?"
"Promise. Nixon, again we've been friends for like ever. I won't let it get weird." I laughed and we walked to the door.
When we opened it Nikki and Austin were standing there, in the pouring rain again.
"That was way longer then five minutes you liar." Nikki glared.
"I said you had to leave, not that you had to stand in the rain dumbass. Next time walk your happy butt to the car!" I said and took a run for the car.
And once again we were on the road.

What seemed like days went by extremely fast and finally we were in Cabo.
We rented a penthouse suit at the nicest hotel and went upsatirs and crashed for some well needed, actualy sleep!
♠ ♠ ♠
Long time since I've been writing, so it's not my best.