The Preservation of the Martyr in Me


Once upon a time, there were three girls. To the outsider looking in, it would seem as if these three girls lead perfectly normal lives. What those outsiders lacked was the knowledge of what really went on in their lives.

These girls were anything but normal.

The first of these magnificent maidens is Desirae (pronounced Dez-uh-ray) Mae Miller, who was the eldest of the three, born on the tenth day of the Irish month. She is the older of two children and it shows. Desirae is almost always serious and focused, only smiling when the occasion calls for it. She hates it when people lie to her and when she’s kept in the dark about things. Once someone gets on her bad side, she’ll let them know and they’ll find it highly difficult to get n her good graces again.

The second of theses lovely ladies is Zoë Serina Knightly. Birthed on the fifteenth of June, she was the middle child. Born and raised in New Zealand, Zoë takes pride of her heritage at every available opportunity. She has catlike reflexes and loves wide open, windy areas. She is debatably the most fun out of the three and was born speaking sarcasm as if it were her first language.

The last of these buxom beauties is Kimani (pronounced Kim-ma-nee) Annette Johnson. She was, in fact, the baby of the three, being pushed out of her mother’s womb on the fifth day of wintry December. Somewhat pessimistic, Kimani is not always pleasant when reminded that she’s the baby, and would get slightly violent whenever someone brought up her less than enjoyable childhood. She is the hardest out of the three, not giving away her trust easily, but once you’ve earned it, can be your best friend. She’s one person whom you do not want as an enemy and if you evoke her wrath, it’s best you stay out of her way.

This is the story about the lives of three normal girls. But no matter how normal theses girls’ lives may have seemed, they all took a drastic change when they were approached by a bald man in a wheelchair.