Status: OneShot = Finished

This Is More Than Just Romance

Our Time Now.

I stared into those gorgeous blue eyes which were watery as she stared back into my own brown eyes. Our hands were clutching each others, all sweaty palms and shaking fingers. Her long, back brown hair was curly and wavy down her back with diamond clips in, as if the stars had rained down apon her perfect head.

She had swapped her usual skinny jeans and cardigans for a long, fairytale white gown whilst I was dressed in a tux. No casual wear was in sight as the hundreds of people watching us were also smartly dressed for the occasion.

The occasion itself was our wedding. The wedding of our dreams. I was finally getting to marry the girls of my wildest dreams and fantasies.

"You may now kiss the bride." The vicar proclaimed and I did not need to be told twice. I lifted her chin and bent down to press my lips softly on to hers. I could feel her tears splash onto my own cheeks as she cried from happiness. I pulled away and rubbed them away with my thumb.

"I love you Emma Louise Beckett." I whispered in her ear whilst the audience clapped and cheered and the church bells rang.

"I love you too William Eugene Beckett." She whispered back.

We turned to face everyone. Adam, my best man, clapped me on the back before ushering everyone out with the help of Andy and Emma's bridesmaids; Courtney, Ashlee and Elsie. We followed them out, accepting hugs and words of congratulations as we did before running out of the church doors to a rain of rice and confetti. The car was waiting to take us to the reception, going the long way of course to allow guests to ride before us.

It was a simple, white limo which had been decorated with ribbons and a 'Just Married' banner on the back. I chuckled as we got in. Emma hadn't wanted a tacky horse and carriage and I didn't want a cliche old car so we settled on the limo.

Someone closed the door behind us before banging the roof twice, telling in driver to leave. As he pulled away, the divider slid shut giving us our first moment of privacy in 24 hours.

We stared at each other, breathless and speechless. What could you really say after declaring your eternal love in front of all your friends and family?

Well you couldn't say anything...

The next thing I knew she had launched at me, pressing her lips back on mine and winding her fingers through my hair. My own hands found her hips and gripped them for dear life. We got a little heated but we must have been kissing for a while because the next thing we knew, the divider was sliding back down. We pulled apart.

"We're here. And congratulations." The driver smiled.

"Thanks." We both smiled back before clutching each other's hand and opening the door. We left the limo and entered Angels & Kings, the place Pete had let us hold our reception. When we walked through the doors, cheers filled the air once more and people swarmed around us giving out more hugs and hand shakes.

Pete told us the wedding gifts were in the cloakroom before the noise was quietened and Gabe started talking into a microphone.

"First off, I'd like to say a big congratulations to the happy couple. To Mr and Mrs Beckett!" He called out and everyone cheered once more. "Now, we're going to get you into the party mood so dance, laugh and have some free champagne!"

The rest of the Cobras came on stage and started performing as Emma and I started going around the room thanking people for coming and just mingling. Soon though, the music stopped and Gabe was talking again.

"Now our good friends and labelmates, The Cab are playing. This is the bride and groom's first dance as a couple." He smiled. The dance floor cleared and The Cab, Emma's favourite decaydance band [apart from mine] came on stage.

I turned to Emma and offered her my hand. With a big grin she took it and I led her onto the dance floor as Vegas Skies started. It was the first song we had danced to as a couple.

It was a sweet and loving moment that I would cherish forever. I wish I could have frozen that moment for eternity, dancing with my beautiful wife.

However, time flies and soon it was time for me to dance with my mother and for Emma to dance with her father, Mr Walker. Then it was me and my sister and Emma and Jon before I danced with Emma's mother and she danced with my father.

When the slow songs finished Gabe once more took the stage.

"Now, all the ladies in the room gather round. It's time for the bouquet toss! Get up on stage Emma!" Gabe called out. Emma kissed my cheek before climbing up on stage. She hugged Gabe before facing towards the back of the stage.

"Everybody count down!" Gabe instructed and everyone joined in.

"3...2...1!" Emma flung the bouquet over her shoulder before turning to see it spinning through the air and Vicky-T's arms. She looked at it wide-eyed before throwing a startled look at Suarez. He bit his lip with wide eyes and everyone laughed. Emma was about to leave stage before Gabe stopped her.


"Hey hey missy! Don't think you're getting away that easily. It's time for the men to gather round and your husband get on stage too. It's time for the garter toss." Gabe winked, walking a blushing Emma to a chair. She sat down reluctantly as Pete, Mike and Brendon pushed me up on stage. Even I was blushing!

"Down you go Bilvy!" Brendon cackled, taking the mic from Gabe. Suggestive music started playing from the speakers and with a cheeky smirk I got on my knees and under Emma's dress. Slowly licking my way up her leg, and feeling her shiver, I caught the garter in my teeth and slowly pulled it back down.

She lifted her foor slightly and I got it off before standing up with it in my teeth. The ground cat-called and whistled before I turned round and threw it. This time it landed in Ryan's hand. Elsie gasped and blushed bright red, as did Mr Ross. This also made the crowd laugh.

Soon the reception was over, people were leaving and presents were being packed into Jon's car so he could take them back to our place.

Now...time for the honeymoon.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's your prize Emma.
Hope you like it!
Elsie xo