Cigarettes And Valentines

Jesus Of Suburbia


"Today I went to the local 7-11 with rest of the fucking idiots who do nothing but get wasted, make out with their girlfriends, and have sex behind the store. I don't know how much more of this town I can take, I want out!"

My names is ___ but everyone calls me Jesus Of Suburbia, since I'm like the Jesus of the local 7-11, and everyone worships me (basically). There is nothing to do here in "Jingle Town" I don't know why people still fucking live here, it's a shit hole I can't stomach any longer. Day and night I sit here on this sidewalk watching my so called "friends" party and get smashed! This sucks but hey what can you do?

"Hey Jesus! Come here and listen to this song in my car!"

The song was a weird techno/death metal mix but I just sat there and listened politely. "Yeah it's pretty okay" I said with a grin on my face "Pretty okay? This song is kick-ass!" he said with a huge smile on his face I rolled my eyes and out of my pocket I took out my favorite tape Kerplunk. I pulled the other one out, put this one in, and sat by the car and just listened to the wonderful music that came out of the speakers.

Everyone looked at me like I was a goddamn retard but they still jammed out to the music that was playing. I looked in the store window and saw the clerk look at us all funny, pick up the phone, looking at us again, and hang up with an annoyed look on his face. My stomach got a knot in it as I realized who he was calling. "FUCK! HE CALLED THE COPS!" Everyone's eyes got big and they ran into their cars and drove off.

I got a ride home from the guys who was playing my tape, they were nice dudes and they got me home so that's good. "Thanks" I said with a slight smile, "anything for you Jesus" I closed the door and walked into Hell on earth. As I entered my house I come home to find my mom and Brad (my step dad) tripping on acid, and baked out of their minds. I rolled my eyes and yelled "I'm going to bed!" None cares what I do.

I sat down on my bed, and drifted to a quick REM sleep and was out like a light. I woke up to that fucking whore yelling "Hey idiot, wake up!" I yelled "Fuck Off!" Oh man she did not like that very well, she walked over to my bed, and smacked me right in my face. "What the fuck was that about!" I yelled, I was not in the mood for her shit because I was half asleep and not wanting to go to school.

"You'll be late for school, it's already 6:10" Oh god I gotta go the prison it looks like, I'm not in my mood for the teachers regular 'Blah fucking blah' and all the kids there are retarded and don't know what 3.14 means. I sit by the bus stop and wait for the bus to come, and here it comes. I wait for it to stop and I go on it, but the bus driver in an asshole who always makes fun of me. "Hey circus clown, are you ready to get dumber?"

"Yeah I'm ready to get dumber today fucker!" "Why can't you just mind your fucking business, and shut up!" He looked at me like I was crazy, but he had a look on his face like I was the enemy, and he was the victim. The bus ride was fast, because I was at school before I knew it. I didn't want to fuck around with the people I hang out with so I just went to class. 12 minutes later everyone was sitting down and listening to the teacher talking about "god" knows what.

"Now today class we're going to learn about... blah blah blah" that's all I heard and I was in la la land. I sat there and day dreamed about a life I could have if I wasn't in this damn town. I got fed up with all this shit, so I stood up, turned around, and walked out the door. Mr. Duuhhh peaked his head out the door and yelled "Hey! Get back in here right now ___" I looked at him, flipped him off, and walked out the door.

So where was I going to go? Well I thought to myself anywhere but here, so I ran off campus until my lungs hurt. A couple hours passed and I was in some weird little town called ___.
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The ___ indicates JOS's real name and names of towns I can't think of.