Cigarettes And Valentines

St. Jimmy

"Hi my name is Jimmy, what can I do for you?" The man at the booth said. Jimmy, what an interesting name. "I'll take whatever kind of cigarettes you have, I just need a couple." He goes under the booth and grabs a pack of my favorites, Camel lights. "So are you from around this area?" He seemed like a nice guy, even though he had tattoos galore. "No I'm from ___ well I call it Jingle Town because it's such a hell hole."

"Huh that's interesting, so why did you leave?" I closed my eyes, smiled a little and proceeded to tell him why I left that damn place. "Well my mom and step dad were way too into drugs and sex. So I just got up in the middle of class and walked out, and here I am now." Jimmy looked surprised as I told him all of this, seemed like he never saw a runaway before. Well maybe he hadn't but still, he opened his mouth with a slight smile and said "Well then, Welcome to Shit-Mountain, we call it this the same reason you call ___ Jingle Town. If you need anywhere to stay, you can crash at my house for as long as you need."

Well Jimmy seems like a nicer guy then the guys in Jingle Town, "Thank you, I can see why you call it Shit-Mountain. Really? Can I? Thank you Jimmy." I noticed that for the first time in my life I was smiling, I finally made a friend and victory never tasted so sweet. Jimmy told me to follow him to his house, so I did and boy was his house a dump. Well it wasn't THAT bad but it was really rundown and it smelled like pot, but that didn't matter to me.

"Well here's where I go when the world seems too scary. I drown my sorrow in pot, care to join me?" I've never smoked pot before, but I guess tonight will be the night I smoke it for the first time in my life. "Sure" I said to him as he took a puff, and handed the joint to me. I took one puff and gagged on the smoke that tastes like ass, jimmy laughs and with a evil looking grin he says "you'll get used to it, just give it some time". He went to a dark storage closet in the back of his house, and grabbed a box, he opened the box and pulls out two needles and smiles. "Do you want some heroin?" He asked me with the half smile he always does.

"Sure why not" I accepted the offer, and right when that needle hit my arm I was in la la land. I was floating on air and it fucking tasted so sweet, I found a BEST friend today and his name starts with a J. "Now all I need is a woman" I said to Jimmy but he was to out of it to even care what I had to say. Within minutes we both passed out, and I woke up the next morning with a bad taste in my mouth. The sun was out, and Shit-Mountain was actually sunny outside. jimmy woke up an hour after me to be so surprised too, "It's never sunny here, maybe the Heroin and pot are still in affect." I don't think it's the drugs, it's probably just sunny outside. I stood up and asked Jimmy what the plan for today was, and he said that one of his buddies is throwing a huge party and anyone is invited so that should be sweet.