Cigarettes And Valentines

Heart Like A Hand Grenade

As the day was passing by I soon realized that despite the fact that this place sucks, it's really pretty at night. Yeah we were about an hour late for the party, (Had to get a shot before we left). We walked to the house where the party was being held and man was it wild, there were already beer cans on the ground outside. There was a guy passed out on the lawn, and there was a horrible band playing. The house was a tiny little house but just big enough to fit a lot of people and a whole band, but it only had 2 bedrooms.

Jimmy walked over to a guy with a huge tattoo on his neck that said "FUCK THE PIGS!" The angriest tattoo I've ever seen but I kind of liked it, I was angry too so it's all good. Jimmy introduces me to this man named Venom. I said hi, shook his hand, and walked over to a table to get some Vodka in my system. I look over to my left to see a girl with long black hair put up in a ponytail, and a tattoo on her arm that said "WHATSERNAME". She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, she was like a Saint.

As I was looking at her she got one glance at me and smiled. I've never seen such a beautiful smile in my life, she looked like the most extraordinary girl I've ever seen. I have to make my move just in case, I thought to myself as I slowly approached her, biting my lip as I drew closer.

"Hi my name is ___ but everyone calls me Jesus Of Suburbia, I'm from __ But everyone calls that Jingle Town". I said to her, my mind thinking about nothing but this moment in time right now. She opened her mouth to talk and the beautiful words came out of her beautiful mouth.

"Hy my name is ___ But everyone calls me whatsername, because I meet a lot of new people everyday and they all insist on calling me whatsername."

Those were the words of a goddess, hmmm whatsername, what an interesting ring to it. I loved it, I've never fallen in love ever, so this is a new feeling for me.

"Do you want to get out of here and get away from this godawful music?" "I know of a place not far from here where we could be alone."

My eyes got wide with excitement, because maybe just maybe she wanted to fuck me, man this night is getting great. We walked for a good mile under that bridge where the prostitute yelled at me to get out of her space. She took all the sheets off the mattress that was sitting there, she got on it, layed down, and told me to lay with her. I put my head up to her chest to feel her wonderful heart beat, over, and over again.

"Okay so I'm gonna be honest Jesus, I saw you and wanted to fuck you. So do you want to fuck me?"

Oh my god, this beautiful woman wanted to fuck me? This can't be happening, I mean I've had sex with plenty of women in my time, but nothing like this. I looked at her, with eyes glittering in the moonlight, I couldn't say no to a face as innocent as her's.

"Yes I will fuck you, I would be honored to put myself inside of you." I said with my heart beating fast and my blood rushing to my head I felt dizzy, but I couldn't pass out now. There's deeds to be done, things to do, because this is heaven of earth and I'm loving it!

"Well then all you gotta do is undress me, because I've been a naughty little girl who needs a spanking!" She said with her innocents turned twisted.

I first took her boots off and slowly took her socks off, beginning to suck her toes as I started unbuttoning her pants. I slowly took her pants off, and well I don't want to get too graphic but instead of fucking we made love. I finished up and her eyes were lit with amazement, as she put her clothes back on. She leaned over to me, kissed me, and BOOM! The sky's looked like they had fireworks in them, and there was no care in the world. Hah mom! I got a girlfriend you fucking bitch, so send back the planes, the bombs, ect because the war is over. We won hallelujah, thank god we won!

She told me we should get back to the party, before people notice we're gone. Well I think that is too late because when I got there, Jimmy was looking for me. He said that we should go home and shoot up and smoke. That sounded like a really good idea to me, so I gave whatsername a kiss and I was out of there. On the way back to Jimmy's place I told him about what happened, and he turned around with a smile on his face.

"Where are you going Jimmy?" I asked him worried about what he was going to do.

"I'm going to get you her number, so you can call her, and hookup again." My eyes rolled as those words came out of his mouth.

"Goddamn it Jimmy, why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I'm doing this because you, might not get another chance with a girl like whatsername. And then what? Just sit back wondering what if you asked her out to dinner or something?!" He did have a good point.

When we got there she was sitting on the couch with two guys nibbling on her ear and talking dirty to her. I could tell she was uncomfortable, by the look in her eyes and the terror in her face. I knew what these Motherfuckers wanted and I was getting sick by thought of what they were thinking of doing to the girl of my dreams. I walked over there in furious rage, ready to kick some ass! I look over to the guy telling her how naughty she is, and that he's going to do dirty stuff to her. I looked him straight in the eye, and said.

"You get off of her right now, or else I'll fucking slaughter you, I promise I will kill you with my bare hands!" I was now just furious, he got in my face and screamed "What the fuck are you going to do faggott!" I looked him straight in the eye, and socked him right in the face. His fell to the ground and was out like a light, I didn't think that retards could fight so good but he showed me. I eased to whatsername, not trembling in fear with tears in her eyes I held her and asked her for her number. She pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down those sweet numbers. She smiled at me and told me she had to go back to her house now, but she'll see me tomorrow maybe.

I looked over at Jimmy with my new girlfriends number and it felt nice to see him smile and yell "FUCK YEAH MAN!" When we got home in celebration we shot up and took puffs, oh boy did it feel great. The thought of having a girlfriend and the I don't give a fuck attitude of these drugs, I was in heaven. Well I showed my mom wrong, I showed her that I am amounting to something. Well nothing really but something, this now is the beginning of the new world I happily live in now!