Cigarettes And Valentines

The Death Of St. Jimmy

The gunshots woke me up instantly, they were coming in from the house. I got up and ran to the door but it was jammed, so I punched in the window to crawl in through it. As I jumped in I stepped in blood, I look over and there is Jimmy, laying dead on the floor. He stapled a note to his chest that read.

"As you read this letter I'm fucking dead, nobody really cared about me so now I did the world a favor and offed myself. Days will go by and nobody will find me in this goddamn house, so now I must go in victory. Can't grasp reality anymore, so for that I must go to hell. This is called Armageddon, and it for me has taken it's toll. Well here you go everyone, take this to the bank. Jesus we're fucked up and we're not the same, and mom and dad are the ones you can blame. Kill the planes and go home, looking for answers was not in the cards for me, now I can't write these painful words anymore. BYE!"

That letter crushed me and made me sick to my stomach, I looked at his arm and saw cut marks going all down it. I fought the tears, because crying wasn't my specialty. I ran outside and screamed "FUCK YOU GOD! FUCK YOU!" The words felt good to say but I knew they wouldn't bring Jimmy back so I calmed myself down and ask myself what I should do next. Everything was going by so fast I didn't know what all was going on, so I thought to myself that I would just leave Shit-Mountain for good. I would go back to Jingle Town where all the other fuckups live.

I ran into the house, and grabbed some clothes I found in Jimmy's drawers and was off. Looking around for things was hard, because I needed certain things to make my Homecoming a little more enjoyable. Man the sweet taste of victory was now gone, and the taste of depression was leaking through my tongue. I tried to grasp the words I found on that bloodstained note, we're fucked up and we're not the same, and mom and dad are the ones you can blame. I wanted to find out what that meant, but I was too lazy to think of it.

I sat down on the couch, layed down and fell back asleep. When I woke up it was the next day, and I woke up with Whatsername standing over me. I jumped at the sight of someone standing over me as I just woke up.

"Hi what happened here?" She said, not so surprised that Jimmy was dead.

"I don't know, I passed out on the ground outside and woke up to gunshots. Here he lift this note." I said handing it to here, she read it pretty quick but the tears were falling from her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I asked her. "Was he a close friend?"

"Well if I say then you might get more angry with me." She said as she sat down next to me on the couch.

"Trust me, that's not possible I can assure you." Those words out of my mouth just flew out like a damn rocket. But they felt nice to say, because I wasn't happy with this dumb cunt!

"Okay well the full reason I fucked you that night was to get to Jimmy. But now I don't have a chance with him now do I?" Those words came out with a bullet, hitting me in the heart only to kill me.

looking at her with full anger, I stood up grabbed some matches and lighter fluid and started pouring it all over the ground. She looked frightened and that was a good thing, her eyes got bigger and I poured it all over the back of the couch.

"You better look out" I told her as I was just dumping it all over the couch, the chairs, the beds, and finally on Jimmy. now the house was soaked in gasoline, and it was dripping from the roof onto the ground.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She asked me, really confused and scared. I looked at her with an evil grin on my face, and I ran outside with her following me.

"Looks like I'm going home, I must leave in victory with arms open ready to take Jingle Town on." Those words felt wonderful as the spewed out of my mouth, and I was happy. The day of death is upon all of Shit-Mountain and the rest of the world. We all need a little bit of closure from the people we both love and hate.

"Are you gonna burn the house down?" The question she asked me, was simple and straight forward.

"Yes, yes I am, in respects to Jimmy." I told her in true honesty, I was straight forward.

"Well lets burn this motherfucker down then!" She said with a huge smile, I lit the match threw it in the doorway and walked away. The day St. Jimmy died, was my last day in Shit-Mountain.
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This one is a little short, but I hope the next 2 are now so short.