Status: complete.

Breaking the Rules, NHL Style

part fifteen Everything I Ever Wanted, And More

“Wakey Wakey Tristy!” I opened my eyes.

“Oh my god!” Evgeni, Jordan and Sidney stood in my doorway. Jordan carrying a tray of food.

“Happy birthday!” they chanted. I smiled.

“Thanks guys.”

Jordan put the tray on my lap, I gave them each a quick hug.

“We’ll be back,” Sidney shouted and the three of them scurried away. Letting me eat in peace. The food was super good. Waffles, with whip cream and berries. Then a bowl of fruit, and some OJ. This is the best birthday ever.

When I was finished, I got up and walked to the bathroom.

“Happy Birthday, girl!” TJ stood in my doorway, a shirt and terra in hand.

“Hi!” I ran up to my friend and hugged her.

“Hi, this is from the boys.”

“Ooh, awkward.” we started laughing.

TJ handed me white shirt with blue lettering. The shirt said, ‘We (heart) Tristan Davis.’ And on the back. ‘Happy 18th Birthday, love the boys.’ I laughed.

“This is so awesome!” I cried, trying on the sparkly tiara.

“They ordered that from Disney Online,” TJ informed me.

“No way. This is sick!” I laughed, looking at the awesome tiara.

“Wait, do they expect me to where this?”

“Um, hell yes, Tristan!” we burst out laughing.

“So who was that dinner date the boys were talking about? I didn’t see you afterwards, and when I called you were already asleep.”

I felt like sinking, going into a corner and never talking to anyone again.

“Oh. Yeah. Member that guy with the black hair, that was watching dryland that one day, with Kat and Connor.

“Oh yeah, your sister and your ex?”

“Yeah. Well that guy with black hair was there. I don’t know how he set it up.”

“No way! He lives in Pittsburgh?”

“I don’t know.”

“So who was he?”

“He was someone I didn’t expect, he’s so different now.”

“You know him?" TJ exclaimed.

“Yeah, it was my brother,” I said, my voice a little shaky.

“What! You’re brother?”

“Mhm. He moved out when I was thirteen, he’s three years older than me. He said that he moved in with Kat. And that’s she’s planning something against me. I’m not sure what he means though.”

“Kat’s planning something against you? What?”

“I’m not sure TJ, he wouldn’t tell me.”

“Okay, that is really creepy. But, I promise, whatever they are doing, I am going to protect you."

"Thanks," I sighed, rubbing my cheek.

"So when’d you find out he was you’re brother, how’d you know know? What’s his name?”

“I didn’t know, well not at first. I thought he seemed familiar. He's four years older than he was when we left, and back then, he had beach blonde hair, his natural hair color, and he was a total jock. He played hockey and soccer back then.”

“Woah, really?”

“I didn’t see his eyes.”


“They’re the same color as mine, I wouldn’t miss that. But I never saw them. He’s changed a lot. But when he said Terry’s dead, it hit me, I knew who he was.”

“Terry?” I could tell that T.J. was pretty confused at all of this new innformation. And to tell you the truth, I was too.

“Kat’s mom, and my step- mom. See papa got a divorce with her when I was 12.”

“Oh. Dude I’m sorry.”

“His names Bryce. By the way.”

“Oh. Well just know that I’ll keep you safe! I promise.” I smiled. “And cheer up! It’s your eighteenth birthday! You can vote!”

“Whoo! I love voting!” I laughed and hugged TJ.

“I’ll be right down. I’m gonna take a shower and get ready.”

“Okay, I’ll take the tray down.”

“TJ, it’s cool I got it.”

“No, it’s your birthday! And you’re the princess.”

“Happy Birthday Princess Tristy!” Jordan, Sidney, Evgeni, Marc, Max, Bugsy, Kris and TJ were standing at the end of the stairs.

“Oh, thanks guys!” I hugged each of them. Evgeni was last. He pulled me into a hug.

“Happy Birthday,” he said softly.

“Thanks Ev.”

He kissed my cheek and let me go.

“C'mon! We gotta go!” Bugsy yelled, pulling me out the door into his car, where I sat in the passenger seat. Evgeni, Kris, and Sidney pilled in the back, while the rest got into other cars. By now it was one in the afternoon.

“Where are we going?” I asked Bugsy. “First, we are going to a birthday party that Ray set up. Then the rest is a surprise.”

"Oh my god! That's so cool."

[After Birthday Party]

“Thanks so much Ray!” I hugged our GM.

“Welcome. Happy eighteenth birthday!”

“Thank you.”

I hugged and thanked everyone before I left the building. Jordan was helping me to carry out the TON of presents I got... It was kind of scary. And I don’t think it was going to fit in TJ’s car. (She told us to put them in there.)

“Tristan!” Sidney called out, running to me.

“Hey Sid. Thanks again for my presents. They were awesome!”

Sidney had gotten me penguin (like the animal) pajamas, and a couple other pairs of random pajamas. A Pittsburgh Penguins shirt, with my last last name and number on the back. Two pairs of fuzzy socks, a pair of blue slippers, a blanket with rubber ducks on it, and a really cool necklace. It had stars on it, each the size of quarters, all in different colors.

“And you so didn’t need to spend that much on me.”

“Ah, duh! Yes I did! You’re Tristan!” Sidney gloped me, giving me kisses on the cheek. “And I’m glad you liked it!”

“Yeah I did, I loved it!”

“You gotta do me a favor.”


“Close your eyes, and turn around.”

"Haha, should I skip on one leg too?

I turned around, closed my eyes, and next thing I know a bandana covered my eyes and I’m wrapped up in Sidney’s arms. He put me down in a car and buckle my seat belt.

“Drive Bugsy!” the boys yelled.

“Hey!” but no one listened to my protests.

What felt something like ten minutes later, I was pulled out of the car, being held bridal style in strong arms. I knew immediately that it was Evgeni, I could tell by the way he was breathing. I leaned in and put my head to his chest, hearing his heart beat sent a shiver through his whole body. Evgeni laughed.

“You look really pretty today," he said, happily walking up steps.

“Thanks, Ev. Soo where are we?” We stepped through the door and a wave of coldness struck me.


The cold was gone once we went through another door. I was set down.

“Can I take this thing off?” I asked.

“Sure,” someone, who sounded like Kris said behind me, he then started fiddling with the knot. “God Sid, did you have to tie it so tight?” Kris asked.

“Hah, I didn’t want it to fall off!”

“There we go.”

The bandana fell and I was standing in the middle of the Penguins locker room. Our gang was there, which included TJ. There were huge bean bags, blankets and pillows around the place. A screen was pulled down.

“What?” I asked.

“We’re going to be watching a movie!” Sidney cried tackling me into a bean bag.

“What movie?” I asked, looking around at all of my friends laughing at me.

“You’ll see.” Sidney got off of me and scooted over so Evgeni could sit next to me. The three of us laid on the bean bag, Evgeni pulled a blanket over us, and then Sidney crawled in. Which made me laugh, and made Evgeni punch Sidney.

“Hey!” Sidney laughed, and made a face at Evgeni.

“Just kidding!” Evgeni said, and pulled me closer to him. I felt his hand brush up against mine, and my cheeks started to burn. His fingers intertwined with mine.

“It’s starting!” Max called. I looked over Evgeni, seeing Max and shooting him a smile. He was sitting with Bugsy, Marc and Kris. They had put two bean bags together. I looked behind us and saw that Jordan and TJ were sharing one, and extremely close. I raised an eyebrow, and saw that they were holding hands. TJ sat there with a blush across her cheeks, and Jordan had a HUGE smile plastered on his face.

I giggled and turned around, laying in Evgeni's arm, my other hand holding his.

‘A Day In The Life of Tristan Elizabeth Davis,’ the text on the screen said, and then flipped to a video, the most embarrassing ever!

I had on a pair of Sidney’s baggy sweat pants, Jordan’s “man tank top” as he calls it, Evgeni's American Eagle hat, which was on sideways, and my white fake Coach sunglasses all on. Sidney had on somewhat the same thing, including another pair of fake Coach sunglasses.

We were back to back, heads down. Once the music came on we we started signing along to the lyrics. It was Crank That by Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em. We burst out into the dance, that took us three whole days to prefect. Jordan and Evgeni were laughing so hard in the background you could barley hear the music.

Everyone in the room burst out laughing. Next there were a series of videos of me being pranked. I loved my faces in all of them. Then there was a video of TJ and I shopping. The boys were extremely bored and would mimic us every time we would find something cute.

“OMG! This is like the cutest!” Kris yelled, in a super high girly voice. He ran over to me, tickling me and in the process getting the dress in my hands.

“KRISTOPHER!” I yelled. He ran to the camera.

“This is so adorable!” Kris said to the camera, batting his eyelashes.

The whole movie lasted for about an hour. It was made up of a bunch of home videos of us, on and off the ice. At the end, they were all singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me.

“That was so cool,” I said, standing up and stretching.

“Here.” I was thrown a pair of Evgeni’s pajama pants and a shirt.

“What’s this for?”

“You’ll see go change.”

“Okay, but I’m taking TJ with me!” I grabbed TJ and headed for the showers.

“So what’s up with you and Mr. Staal? I knew you liked him. Does he like you? I saw you guys holding hands.”

I smirked at her, changing into my pajamas, as she was too. I put Evgeni’s shirt on over my head. His scent was addicting, I couldn’t stop smelling it.

“I don’t know. I really like him, and he asked me to seat next to him and next thing I know, he’s holding my hand and telling me how pretty I am...” she trailed off, pulling her shirt over her head. I pulled my hair into a loose bun, TJ did the same.

“Tell him how you feel,” I suggested, about to open the door.

“All right, I’ll tell Jordan... if you tell Evgeni,” I laughed out loud.

“Okay, it’s a deal.”

I shook her hand.

“Oh and Tristy, it has to be done tonight.”

“Okay okay," I said, opening the door to find the boys in sleep wear too, and slippers? What the heck?

“Err, someone wanna tell me why you guys have slippers on?” I asked, laughing at Max and Kris and their oh-so-hott Elmo slippers.

“Those are so cool!”

“Here, we knew you’d like them,” Max said, throwing me a pair, TJ got ones too. ones.

“Okay onward!” Evgeni shouted, pushing me through the door of the locker room and out to the ice. I looked to the ice, there were sleeping bags and a table with pizza, snacks and drinks on it.

“What?” I asked.

“Surprise!” they all yelled from behind me.

“It’s a surprise birthday party. We’re spending the night out here.” Bugsy informed me.

“OH MY GOD!” I ran out to the ice, it wasn’t cold since I had slippers on. We slid around for awhile, until we decided to play dodge ball, with zamboni ice.

“Oh mighty Tristan? What do the losers have to do?” Max asked, bowing in front of me.

“Losers have to, ahh - err - lick the ice! Yeah that’s it! Losers lick the ice,” I informed everyone.

“Tristan, and- err- Sidney are the captains,” Jordan told us.

“Fine then. Girls first!” Sidney said, smiling at me.

“Okay. TJ!” I said and she ran to me.

“Marc," Sidney chose his first person.





“KRIS!” I yelled.

“Thanks pick me last!” Kris complained, walking to me.

“Hey! That was my strategy.”

“Really?” he looked up at me with that adorable face, smile forming on it.

“Hell yes!” Kris gave me a hug.

“That’s not cool you guys have one more player than us!” Max complained.

“I’ll sit out.” TJ opted out, running to the bench. “But I’m cheering for Tristan!” she yelled, turning around to stick her tongue out at Sidney’s team and gave me the thumbs up.

We got a couple buckets and filled them with zamboni ice.

“1-2-3, GO!” TJ screamed.

I picked a clump of snow and nailed Bugsy in the butt.

“HAHA!” I laughed, running to take cover behind Evgeni.

“Hey, why are you hiding behind me!” Evgeni cried, turning around to tickle me.

“Cause I wuv you!” I explained, before running away for Evgeni to get hit. He went and sat next to TJ and Bugsy. Twenty minutes later, we had won. I beat Sidney, one-on-one.

“Lick the ice losers!” TJ and I, striking a pose as Sidney’s team quickly licked the ice and stood up.

My team laughed at them.

“Let’s eat Pizza!” Bugsy yelled and we all went to grab a slice.

“Hey Marc,” I greeted, sitting on a sleeping bag next to him.

“Hey Tristan, I haven’t talked to you in a while."

“I know! And it’s making me sad. Thanks for everything today,” I said giving him a hug and making me blush.

“Yeah, you’re welcome.”

“So how’s Kallie?” I had to ask. I wanted to see where that thing had gone.

“I don’t know, she’s kind of annoying, have you talked to her?”


Marc and I talked for a while, other people soon joined the conversation. Two hours later we all fell asleep in our sleeping bags.

“Tristan, Tristan,” someone was shaking me.

“Uh?” I moaned, getting up. It was dark and I was laying in my sleeping bag, on the cold ice.

“What time is it?” I asked TJ groggily, who had been shaking me.

“Almost three. Listen, I told Jordan, just now, and he asked me out!” she whisper-yelled into my ear.

“Oh dude, way to be.”

“I know, but now its your turn.”

“Huh?” my stomach dropped and my heart sped up.

“Yeah, Jordan and I will pretend to sleep, and you can tell him.”


I waited for a minute, until Jordan and TJ were laying in their sleeping bags, pretending to be asleep.

“Evgeni,” I shook him lightly. He opened his eyes, looking at me, smiling. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

“Hi beautiful," he whispered, I giggled.

“Can I talk to you?” I asked.

“Sure?” he looked hesitant. But he stood up, anyway, bringing me with him. “Where?”

“Locker room?”


We walked off the ice and to the locker room.

“What’d you wanna talk about?” he asked. We now stood in the middle of the locker room.


“Yeah?” he ran his hands through my hair, I took a deep breath, wrapping my arms to form a hug around him, he hugged me back.

“I really like you.” I mumbled into his chest.

“What’s that? I didn’t catch it.” I stood back, looking up and barley seeing his eyes.

“I-I.” Evgeni started.