Rebyl Jayde


Once upon a time, in a far, far away kingdom lived a rock star named Rebyl Jayde...

If you're looking for something like that to read, look somewhere else to read that shit! This is my life and its nothing like a fairytale. If you don't like it, well, too bad. I don't care about you're damn opinions.

I live in the middle of this hell pit they call boarding school...

It all started with the concert form hell. Somehow my band got into a fight over something stupid. I don't even know what it was. To drown out their whinny voices, I got stoned before the concert.

I wake up everyday to see your face, and hear the voice that mesmerizes me...

We were half way through the concert, sweeping the crowd along in a storm of music. Bass guitar struck out a monotonic beat. Guitars screamed a haunting melody. Drums tapped away in the back ground, ticking like a clock...

Though I see you almost everyday, It isn't enough and never will be...

Dark spots dappled my vision as I stared out into the glare of the floodlights. The roar of the crowd softened to an annoying buzz in my ear, like someone had turned the volume down in my head.

The joy of my love for you, is overcome by my pain, of being without you...

The floor came rushing up to me and everything went black.


"You tell her." My foster mom's loud voice, even in a whisper, snapped sharply at someone.

"Why do I have to? You should tell her." said my foster dad. His annoying whinny voice grated on my ears.

"Tell me what." I demanded after sitting up and moaning. I opened my eyes to the sterile white walls and the annoying beep of a hospital.

My "mom" exploded right then. "Oh, I'll tell you what!' she glared at my foster dad. "You've gone too far! First, you throw away your education. Then, you go off and become a damn rock star. Is that enough for you?! No! Now, you're into drugs and you faint during one of your stupid concerts..."

I closed my eyes and let her ranting flow over me like water. Just another stupid fight.

"Look at me when I speak to you, young lady, because this is the last straw. I'm sending you to boarding school!" That's when my eyes snapped open. I choked.

"I refuse!" I yelled while trying to take out the stupid tubes in my body.

"Oh, yes you are! No more rock bands, no more drugs. All your doing is school 24/7, 365 days a year." she yelled.

I sat up and slid off the hard bed. "I'm not going." She stared at me like she had been struck before her face clouded with anger. She raised her hand to hit me.

"Go ahead, see what happens." I waited for the hand to slam in to my cheek. It never came, and she let it fall to her side. "You can't make me go. I'm almost eighteen." With that I grabbed my clothes next to me and walked out. I still had some cash in my pocket. Maybe I could catch a cab and go home. If I ever did go back home.

"I don't have to make you go, but the judge will." her voice catching up with my quick pace down the hall. I stopped in my tracks as if I had hit a wall.

"What are you talking about? What judge?" I asked.

"The one that sentenced you with the choice of boarding school or a year in juvi and another year in rehab." she said with her confidence coming back. I wouldn't mind juvi but I don't want to go to rehab.

My life crashed into a huge ultimatum and I knew exactly which way I would go to get around the wall.
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Hope you like it. My best friend, belletueur (hope I spelled it right) helped me with it too.