Status: On hiatus

Misery Business

Treaty? What Treaty?

Tricia hurriedly rushed back to her apartment, grabbing only a duffle bag filled with some clothes and all of her savings. They had found her once again, leaving her no other option but to relocate.
You would think that after more than three hundred years they would leave the poor girl alone, but no, they were determine to have her at all costs.
It took a matter of minutes for Tricia to arrive at the airport and have a ticket on the first plane out of Alaska. She didn’t care where she was going as long as it was away from them.
She couldn’t bear the thought of helping the people responsible for her best friend’s death. He had been like an older brother to Tricia and she missed him dearly.

After the three and half almost four hour flight, Tricia had arrived in Seattle. She didn’t bother grabbing a cab or a rental car and walked out of the terminal, heading directly for the garage. She spotted a blue Lotus Elise SC, and broke into it driving off out of the city.

Tricia drove for about a good three hours, deciding not to speed and risk getting pulled over. She had arrived in a small town called Forks, but continued through until she found the beach. They wouldn’t think of looking for her here. Not in a quiet small town where news travels fast.
Tricia parked the car getting out to walk along the quiet beach.

She aimlessly wandered along the beach looking out into the depths of the ocean for an hour or so before a group of about three approached, not looking too happy.
“Can I help you boys” Tricia asked innocently trying to hide the fact the all of them smelt repulsive
“You can stay off our lands like the others and keep to the treaty leech” the leader of the group growled out. Tricia looked at them confused for a moment
“So you know what I am. Interesting, then what exactly are you three?”
“Wolves. Now I suggest you leave blood sucker or we’ll have no choice but to rip you limb from limb” one of the younger two growled taking a step forward. Tricia smirked at this and took a step closer to the group.
“One: I know nothing about a treaty. Two: you sure as hell better be joking about other being nearby. And three: I’d like to see you try.” She looked each of them in the eyes holding their gaze for a few moments before moving onto the next one. They all tensed at her words.
“All you’ve got to do is stay off our lands and we won’t hurt you” Tricia laughed at this, finding the three highly amusing.
“The treaty you have is with others, not me. And I highly doubt you boys could even scratch me. You’re just a pack of over grown puppies” the leader of the group had to keep the other two back from attacking.
“So what do you suggest then?” the leader asked, Tricia smiled.
“You’re quite perceptive aren’t you? How about we settle this here and now. I’ll take the three of you on. You beat me I stay off your lands. I beat you, I can do whatever I want” the group growled at her and she laughed at them once more “Oh and don’t worry I won’t attack any humans”


Tricia smiled as the three fell to the sand from exhaustion. She walked over and helped the three up.
“The name’s Tricia by the way. Not leech or blood sucker” the two younger boys glared at her, debating with themselves if they were more irritated that they lost to a vampire or just because she was a girl. “Suck it up princesses” she laughed heading back to the car. The boys followed her.
“I’m Sam, by the way and this is Paul and Jared” the leader said pointing to the younger boys. Tricia just nodded as she jumped back into the car. Paul and Jared’s mouths dropped at the sight of the car.
“These others” Tricia hesitantly began, “who are they and where can I find them” barely keeping the fear out of her voice.
“The Cullen’s. They live out in the woods. They shouldn’t be too difficult to find there are seven of them” Sam answered. Tricia thanked him and sped off. Cullen, she knew only of one Cullen. But he had been dead for almost three and a half centuries. Tricia took a deep breath as she pulled up in front of large house in the woods, hoping that this wasn’t a set up.
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Alright here's chapter one. i promse Edward will be in the next chapter.

OK well there's like a million other Edwrd Cullen stories out there but oh well, this one here is dedicated to my Bestfriend!
