Status: On hiatus

Misery Business

Portraits and Party Tricks

Tricia took a deep as she walked up to the front door. Before she could even knock the door was opened by a small pixie like vampire who was beaming at her and embraced Tricia in a tight hug. A male’s voice rang through the house telling her let go of Tricia and let her in. The voice seemed vaguely familiar to Tricia but she shrugged it off. She was here on business and business only.

Tricia cautiously entered the house, taking note of the six vampires staring at her in slight awe. The only thought running through her head was ‘what the fuck?’ The tall bronzed haired vampire almost smirked as she thought this; she just let it slide, for now.
The mood in the room quickly relaxed as the tall vampire with messy blonde hair called out to another. She had been told that there were seven vampires in this coven, yet only six stood before her.
“Carlisle” the bronze haired vampire called out this time. Tricia tensed at the sound of his name. It couldn’t be him, she thought. She told herself over and over again that he had been killed more than three hundred and sixty years ago. The bronze haired vampire gave her a questioning look, but Tricia didn’t notice as Carlisle entered the room.

Tricia and Carlisle froze when they saw each other. If Tricia could have died from the shock she would have. Not only had Carlisle been her best friend, but over the years he had become her older brother and eventually a second father. She dropped to the floor, unable to believe her eyes.
“How?” was the only word she could choke out. Carlisle turned to the other vampires in the room, but focused the majority of his attention on the pixie like one.
“Alice, you knew?” he asked, he had thought she had been killed in Italy over three centuries ago. He swiftly turned to the bronze haired vampire now as well. “And I take it you did as well Edward?” Edward nodded his head and walked over to help Tricia up to the sofa. She hadn’t moved from the floor.
“She’s nothing like you remember Carlisle” Edward began causing Carlisle to chuckle and take a seat next to Tricia.
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that Edward” Carlisle replied with a smirk. Tricia glanced around the room taking a look at Carlisle’s new family.
“How rude” Edward began, “We of course know who you are, but you have no idea who we are” Edward finished, picking up on Tricia’s thoughts.
“You know that cheap party trick is gonna get real old, real fast” Everyone laughed at Tricia’s comment and one by one introduced themselves.
“They don’t actually call you Dad, do they?” Tricia asked with a hint of a smirk
“No” Emmett answered and Tricia’s smirk slowly faded
“And here I was thinking that I’d have to beat you guys up for stealing ‘my thing’” she pouted and everyone laughed except Esme.
“She looks just like...” Esme began before abruptly stopping herself from finishing her sentence. Tricia looked at her new ‘mum’ confused. All the Cullen’s, excluding Carlisle, dropped their gaze to the floor.
“Esme, you showed them didn’t you?” he asked letting out a small sigh as she nodded. Carlisle stood and cupped Esme’s face in his hands and pecked her lips before disappearing.
“So what did you show them mum?” Tricia asked, unable to contain her curiosity
“A portrait of you” she barely whispered and Tricia cocked her head to the side
“Well I don’t know how you could have... I mean I never sat for one ever. Daddy dearest tried but failed every time” Tricia replied with a smirk
“I failed every time but the last thank you” Carlisle answered rather smugly as he entered the room with a large picture frame and handed it to Tricia. She looked at it for a long moment. It was her and Carlisle just before she left for Italy. It was the last time she had seen him.
Tricia gently placed the picture down and turned to Carlisle who was standing at the other side of the room.
“It took me years to find it again. I’ve had it six months” Carlisle didn’t get a chance to finish as Tricia lunged at him. He ran and Tricia followed right behind him. The rest of the family followed laughing.
“Carlisle, you're gonna get it when she catches you” Alice yelled out in warning but it was already too late Tricia was on top of Carlisle screaming in his ear over the picture. Everyone but Alice and Esme took a step back as Tricia let Carlisle up before knocking him back down, her arms around his neck in a tight hug which Carlisle returned.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so, so very sorry guys that it has taken this long to post
I have been busy with uni and the chapter was deleted two days ago by one of the stupid computers.
Sorry again!
