Status: On hiatus

Misery Business


Tricia and the Cullen’s were walking back towards the house until Rosalie and Emmett noticed the blue Lotus Elise SC parked out the front. The two of them circled the car. Emmett soon lost interest deciding that his Jeep was better.
“Where’d you score the ride?” Rosalie asked not taking her eyes off the car. Edward smirked and Tricia slapped his arm
“Shut it!” Edward smirked wider shaking his head in mock disapproval. Tricia avoided Carlisle’s eyes “ I... borrowed it... um... without permission, but with every intention of giving it back” Tricia finished with a small playful smirk on her face. Emmett and Jasper roared with laughter at Tricia’s excuse. Alice smirked as did Rosalie and Edward.
“Come on I think we should take this discussion indoors” Carlisle said and with that everyone followed, except Rosalie who had to be dragged away from the vehicle by Emmett and Jasper.

Carlisle and Esme led everyone into the house taking a seat at the large dining room table. Slowly everyone took a seat as silence fell over the group. It remained like that for a few minutes. Jasper was the one to break the silence
“What’s that stink? It smells like those mutts down at La Push?” Rosalie and Emmett agreed. Tricia just sat there smirking. Carlisle and Edward both looked at Tricia and she smiled at them innocently. ‘So they’re just over grown puppies are they?’ Edward's voice rang though her head. ‘Yeah, what of it?’ she replied in her head. Edward’s smirk faded and he turned to face Carlisle.
“Carlisle, little Tricia here has made a new deal with the pack at La Push. Our treaty with them doesn’t seem to apply to her unless she attacks a human” Edward received a death glare from Tricia, so she was just taller than Alice, that didn’t mean he could call her ‘little Tricia’. Edward smirked at her glare and returned his attention to Carlisle.
“How did you manage to convince them?” Jasper asked whilst sending calming waves through Tricia to prevent her from attacking Edward.
“Well... I can’t exactly say. It was dangerous doing it in the first place. And no it was not taking on those three pups at once by myself that was dangerous, Edward” Tricia said before he could point that out. Carlisle looked at Tricia in intrigue whilst Alice let out a frustrated scream.
“I can’t see anything, damn it Tricia!” Alice banged her head on the table as she did so Tricia’s confusion became laughter. ‘She can see the future, little Tricia’ Edward's voice rang through her head once more and Tricia let out a mental snarl, ‘call me little Tricia one more time I dare you’ she threatened.
“Tricia, Tricia? Are you even paying any attention?” Carlisle asked waving a hand in front of her face.
“Huh? What, what’s going on?” Tricia was pulled out of her thoughts only to see Edward smirking and laughing along with his siblings. She shot him another glare and turned to Carlisle.
“Your gift Tricia, we were talking about your gift. There is no way you could have convinced them to allow you on their lands”
“Oh ok” Tricia replied and returned to glaring at Edward. ‘You’re not going to tell us are you?’ Edward questioned in her head, ‘NO! Now stay out of my head damn it!’ she screamed at him mentally. ‘Shit! Edward, come on I know that you want to. Damn it!’
“Tricia, what did you just do?” Edward asked and everyone turned to Tricia waiting for a response. Tricia glared at Edward and turned to Carlisle pouting. Carlisle shook his head at her adverting his gaze. Everyone sat waiting, a few minutes passed and Carlisle let out a sigh and nodded at Tricia. She beamed at Carlisle and smirked at Edward.
“I should have known that your gift would be influence. So I take it you’ve been hiding yourself from the Volturi for the past few years” everyone looked at Carlisle shocked, no one more so than Tricia. Her smirk fading into glare as she made her way to the door.
“Yeah, let’s go with that” she answered Carlisle as she was jumping back into the car she had stolen.
“Where are you going?” Esme asked with sadness seeping from her voice
“The Beach. I’ll see you all laters” and with that Tricia sped off back to La Push.

When Tricia arrived back at the boundary line Sam, Paul and Jarred were all waiting. She sighed as she jumped out of the car and approached the three. Sam, Paul and Jarred all tensed as she slowly walked out of the car to meet them.
“We’ve decided that just because you are going to stay on Quileute lands, doesn’t mean we want you attending the high school here. You’re going to have to attend Forks high along with the Cullen’s. And against our wishes, you’ll be staying with the Black’s. And remember you slip up just once” Sam didn’t get to finish as Tricia impatiently interrupted
“I know, I know” she said rolling her eyes “So where do I find the Black’s?”
“Right here bloodsucker” an older man came forward sitting in a wheelchair.
“Well it’s an honour to meet you Mr. Black and I can assure you that the instant trouble catches up with me, you’ll be rid of me for good. I wouldn’t want to put you all in unnecessary danger” Tricia said as she offered her hand for the old man to shake. He merely glared at her
“Well it seems you are already doing so by staying on our lands” he growled, “Just how did you trick these boys into letting you?”
“It was a dangerous and foolish mistake to influence them to agree to my conditions of our little wager, but if I were to remain with the Cullen’s you’d all be in much more danger” Tricia replied with an icy tone as she stared off with the old man.
“Billy, are you sure you want her around Jacob?” Sam asked placing a hand on his shoulder
“He’ll be fine” Billy replied never taking his eyes off Tricia, “well come on now leech, not all of us have forever” he whispered finally dropping his gaze and heading off in the direction of his home.