Status: On hiatus

Misery Business

Ground Rules

Tricia cautiously followed Billy inside his home keeping a short distance behind. The lights were all out and Tricia could hear the heartbeat of another human in the house. Billy stopped and turned to face Tricia.
“Since you’re staying here, there are a few ground rules. One: you keep to side of the agreement made with Sam and the pack” Tricia nodded and let Billy continue, “Two: don’t even think about using whatever magic you used on Sam, Paul and Jarred. Three: don’t expect anyone from around here to act like they give a damn about you, cause they don’t. Four: you hurt anyone in anyway; I don’t care about your agreement, and you're out of here. Understood?” Billy finished and waited for Tricia’s response.
“Mr Black, I don’t plan on intentionally influencing anyone. Its far too dangerous with them searching for me. And I don’t plan on hurting anyone” she looked Billy in the eyes, waiting to see what he would do next.

Billy turned his back on Tricia and made his way to a spare bedroom. Tricia followed silently behind.
“As much as I rather you not, call me Billy. It will arouse suspicion otherwise. And to keep up the act, you can stay in here” he gestured to the room and Tricia nodded.
“Thanks… Billy.” He grunted and began to leave, “Oh and by the way Billy,” he turned to face her once more “the pack needs all the help they can get” Billy just turned and left Tricia standing in the hallway.

Tricia took a step into the bedroom and let out a soft sigh of relief slumping onto the bed. She glanced up at the clock on the wall before crawling into the bed and pretending to sleep.

It was 6am when Tricia decided to get up and ready, wanting to take her time. It was around seven before Billy or Jacob woke up to the smell of breakfast. Jacob was the first to enter the kitchen and dining area soon followed by Billy.
“Morning. I hope you don’t mind but I made breakfast” Tricia smiled at the two as she set three plates on the table. Jacob looked at her in shock.
“Who are you?” he asked taking a seat at the table
“Tricia. Now come on and eat otherwise its gonna get cold!” she scolded the two, but Billy remained wary. Jacob didn’t need any further invitation and began eating. “If I wanted to harm either of you I could have easily done so last night, so why don’t you start acting like the mature adult that you are?” Jacob laughed earning himself a glare from Billy before he reluctantly ate.

“I can show you around if want today, you know at school and all” Jacob began as Tricia started eating much to Billy’s surprise.
“Well only if you know your way around Forks High. I wonder if dad has enrolled me, probably not” Tricia mused.
“So if you're going to Forks High, how come your staying here?” Jacob asked looking confused
“Its…safer this way. But hey, I err, need some help after school. I’m looking for a new car; the one I’ve got is… on loan. I could really use the help. So what do you say?” Tricia asked looking at Billy for the Ok. At the mention of cars Jacob was more than willing to help out.
“I’m in” Jacob said as he got up to leave for school, “hey shouldn’t you have left by now?”
“Really fast car and I don’t even know if I’m actually enrolled yet” Jacob nodded and left without another word.

The tension in the house between Billy and Tricia was almost palpable. He glared at her for a moment before saying anything.
“I want you back by five and if anything, anything happens I’ll make sure you regret it” Tricia nodded before walking out of the house and back to the boundary line where she had left the car.

Tricia arrived at Forks High the same time as the Cullen’s. Alice beamed and rushed over to her smiling triumphantly at the others as they slowly made their way over to Tricia. Tricia locked the car and began walking towards the office with the Cullen’s.
“See I was right Edward. I’m always right” Alice rubbed in as they slowly made their way to the office. “Oh, I hope you don’t mind but I enrolled you yesterday as a Junior. I had a vision of you here as well as at the house yesterday”
“That’s cool, so what classes do I have?” Tricia asked just as they entered the office
“Miss Cullen I presume?” the woman sitting behind the counter asked as she saw Tricia talking to Alice. Tricia nodded her head and grabbed her class schedule without a word and left.

“So I have Calculus, Gym, English, Lunch, Politics, History and Economics. So what classes do you all have?” Tricia asked wandering around aimlessly.
“We’ve got History together and you’ve got lunch with all of us” Jasper began
“Calculus, Economics and English with me. Alice is in Economics as well, and Jazz and Em are in English with us” Rosalie took over almost sounding excited.
“You, Jazz and I have Gym” Emmett smirked
“And it looks like you're stuck with me in Politics” Edward added. Tricia nodded and grabbed Rosalie’s arm walking off from the group
“We’re gonna be late to calculus Rose” with that Rosalie led the way to calculus and the two smirked as all eyes were on Tricia.