When She First Saw Him

Beep! Beep! Beep!
"Moshi moshi?" Hannah mumbled without realizing it.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
"Hello? Who is it?" Rolling over and finally opening her eyes, she saw it was her alarm clock beeping, not her cell phone. "I need to buy ringtones that don't sound like an alarm clock," she complained to herself. Sitting up from her futon on the floor, she rubbed her fingers into her scalp then stood up. "...And I probably shouldn't be answering the phone in Japanese," she added as she rolled the futon and placed it in the bottom of her closet.
Looking through her clothes, she decided on a simple, long black skirt and a long sleeved black shirt. She put them on after taking off her pajamas. She walked to her desk with a small vanity mirror on it, bent to look at herself and pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail.
Monday, a boring day should have a boring wardrobe. Being flashy on Monday is a waste. Everyone is tired, and no one notices you. Monday does not deserve a beautiful outfit. Today, she didn't even bother with make up. Today was a boring day.
Hannah walked to her front door and turned to say goodbye to her parents who were still asleep. As she opened the door she was taken aback by a strong wind that could be felt through the storm door. Not only was it wind, but she could even feel sprinkles of rain. She went to the entry closet and grabbed her black, frilly umbrella. A boring day and a bad day. She walked out the door of her single floor home, trying not to get blown away by the strong winds. The bus stop was only at the end of the block, but the wait was what always killed her, especially in the rain. Sometimes the driver came late, sometimes early. Turning to look down the road, she finally saw the flashing lights of the school bus. As it came closer, she closed her umbrella and put it in her purse. She thanked whatever Gods may exist that the umbrella, closed, was actually rather small.
The bus finally came to a stop; the doors slided open. Looking down, Hannah held the slack of her dress, pulling ait from her feet as not to trip and stepped the three tall steps of the bus. She walked to her usual seat. There was a boy who never rode the bus. If he weren't in her seat, she probably never would have noticed. Hannah was the girl on the bus who was quiet and kept to herself so much people were almost concerned. On the overcrammed bus, she had nowhere to sit but next to the new rider.
As she sat, she crossed her legs and let her purse hit the floor of the bus. She looked forward, paid him no mind. She could feel him looking at her. It was obvious. He faced forward, just like her. Just like him, she was sneaking peeks too. She was making a mental image of him, looking at him very carefully. It was easy for her to realize, he wasn't her type. Not that she really had a type.
Hannah was more of an intellectual sort; she had no time for boys. She studied musics of the world. She didn't listen to American radio. She listened to foreign online radios. Though she only spoke a little Japanese and a word or two of other languages, she found the lack of knowing what it all meant beautiful. Like how people still read Shakespeare, what made it beautiful is that you could interperet it in your own ways.
Still, it wasn't just because she had no interest in guys in this stage in her life that made her uninterested. It was the fact that he looked like so many other guys she'd known. The type of guy who thinks he can get any girl he wants. The type of guy who probably uses way too much hair product. The type of guy who wears Axe body spray because of the commercials. The shallow type of guy. True, she didn't have a type yet, but when she did, it wouldn't be this guy.
After a good while of sizing him up, she returned her full attention to the front of the bus. He was still looking at her, and she was officially not caring. Still feeling his gaze, however, she had to think of a happy Japanese pop song. In her head she sang along, she felt like dancing. Suddenly, everything was fine. Time flew as she was enjoying herself and her mental music. Before she realized it, the bus had finally come to a stop.
Her best friend had first period off, and rarely came in when she didn't need to. Hannah found no point in sticking around; she went to class as soon as possible without sticking around for the new guy to catch up to her. When she came to class, she still had over ten minutes to kill. With nothing much to do, she opened a text book and read the chapter she missed over the weekend. Biology. Plant cells. Facinating.
"Welcome back, everyone!" Overly cheerful as always, Ms. Davis stood before her students, welcoming them as she always did after the weekend. As if that made Mondays any better. "This Monday is particularly special because we have a transfer student!" The way she said "transfer" made it seem like it was a brand new car on The Price is Right. "Parker, please come to the front of the class."
Unable to stop herself, Hannah's jaw opened in shock. "The guy from this morning," she said quietly. Without realizing, she looked around to see if anyone noticed. To her relief, they were all too dazzled by the new student. Why is he of all people here? she thought. Why my Biology class? Why have the Gods conspired against me? This is not fair.
"Thank you for the welcome," he said specifically to Ms. Davis. Turning to the class, he bowed and said, "I look forward to studying with you." Finally, his vision closed in on Hannah, and he smirked.
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I'm new to Mibba, so if I totally messed this up, please forgive me.