Boys Make Girls Stupid

When his vision closed in on her, she finally realized, he had shockingly crystal blue eyes, the eyes that, even after you've turned away, you're drawn to look at them again. Finally, his attention went over the rest of the class. Parker thanked Ms. Davis and went back to his seat.
As soon as he reached his seat, anyone around him started talking to him. Unless you looked like a total loser, it was how it always was. New students mean new meat for the social elite. New people to manipulate to hurt others.
Sitting, still in awe, she thought, how could I not notice that before? Then she realized, I wasn't looking at him. I was looking at what he was wearing. At his hair. Not his face. I was so shallow. But I won't be like that anymore. If he looks at me again, I will talk to him. Lightly, she pounded her fist into the desk. "Fight," she whispered.
Mondays are slow; the teacher just assigns another chapter and after they finish, they do what they want. After Hannah finished, she tried to think of things she could talk about with the new guy. She was surprised at herself that all she could really think about involved his eyes. Do you wear contacts? What brand? How much were they? Surely eyes like that were not natural.
Class was over. Slowly getting her things together, she waited for the other people to leave. She didn't believe in rushing for the door. It wasn't worth getting trampled to be in another class longer. Finally, she looked up and saw Parker looking at her. She turned away quickly and looked through her bag, waiting for him to leave. Not now. I don't want to talk to you yet, go away! When she turned back, he was gone. She exhaled in relief and walked out of her Biology class room.
As she stepped out, she felt a sharp clawing pain in her side. Someone grabbed her. Hannah screamed and spun around to defend herself. She realized it was her closest friend, Adalae. She was relieved but her heart was still beating a mile a minute.
"Whoa, Hannah, are you okay?" Adalae asked her friend. "I've never seen you freak like that before." She grabbed Hannah's shoulder gently, trying to reassure her.
"Yeah," Hannah said. She tried to stay calm, to not let her friend know she was thinking about Parker. "I, uh, just watched a zombie movie last night. You know how I get."
Adalae halfheartedly laughed, "Yeah, I do know how you get. You shouldn't do that to yourself." She pretended to believe Hannah's story. Really, she knew zombies didn't get to her like that. It was someone else. She let go. "Stop scaring yourself, okay?"
"Yeah, sorry. Uh, I guess I'll see you later?"
"Sure, but can I borrow your coloring book and crayons?" Adalae asked. Her first period class was a total blow off class. Contemporary issues with Mr. Nax. The students would think of three issues in the world and make speeches on how to resolve it, and then the other students would ask them about it. Unless you were giving a speech, you just had to fake a question and do something quiet.
"Of course," Hannah said. She opened her purse and dug out a book and her crayons. "Don't rip out the pages. You know I hate it."
"Yeah, yeah. I know!" Adalae said, taking the book and crayon box.
Hannah watched her friend walk away before she started walking towards her English class on the otherside of the school building. When she looked at the large digital clock mounted on the ceiling in the middle of the hallway, she rushed to class. The bell rang just before she passed through the doorway.
"Sorry, Mrs. Richards I--"
"I don't want to hear it, Ms. Westerfeld," her English teacher scolded. "You're tardy more than you are punctual. I'm not dealing with it today. You can give the detention supervisor all the excuses you want. Maybe tomorrow you can join us?"
"Yes, Ma'am," Hannah said, defeated.
Her posture slumped, she walked out of the room and down the hall to the C-wing detention room.
Nesbitt High was a big school in a heavily populated town. There were four wings in the school: The social sciences wing, which covered social studies and science courses; the math and engineering wing, where the math classes and the planning for the woodshop and metalshop classes took place--the actual work took place in an outside building; the languages wing, all the foreign languages and English classes took place in this wing; then there was the life skills wing, cooking, child development, sewing, all hands on classes like this took place in this wing. The gym, agriculture, and special ed. classes had their own buildings apart from the main building. Each wing had it's own detention room. She head to detention C--the English detention room.
As she walked in, she said hello to Mrs. Perkins as she always did.
"What'd you do now, Hannah?" she asked and signed a slip for Hannah to give her teacher when she came back to class the next day.
"I was late, same as always," she said and took the slip.
As Hannah started towards her seat, Mrs. Perkins said, "Why don't you run some errands for me instead of wasting time like you usually do?"
"I'd rather not..." Hannah said.
"Thanks for agreeing," Mrs. Perkins said sarcasticly. "Take these to the office and have them make 20 copies. They don't let unauthorized students do it, so you'll have to give it to them and wait there while they copy it for you."
Hannah took the papers and walked down to the office.
"Hey, Hannah. What can I do for you?" Tammy, the secretary asked. Tammy was always so friendly with staff and the students, everyone called her by her first name.
"I just need 20 copies of each of these for Mrs. Perkins." Hannah the packet of papers on the desk and removed the paperclip. "I don't know if they need to stay in order or not, but it'd probably be best to keep them organized."
Tammy picked up the small stack of papers from the desk, "Just have a seat. It won't take too long," and disappeared into the back room.
Hannah sat and pulled her purse onto her lap. Mondays, she thought, boring as usual. Getting annoyed at Mrs. Richards and doing chores for Mrs. Perkins had helped her forget about Parker until he came into the office.
Her natural instinct made Hannah look as Parker walked through the office door.
When he walked in he immediately caught her gaze on accident while he was looking for any staff to assist him. He gave a small wave, not wanting to be completely rude.
Though she wanted to pretend she never saw him, it was too late. After he waved she had no choice but to acknowledge him. She gave a weak smile and held her hand up, as if it were her own version of a wave.
"Where's Tammy...?" he asked, sounding rather unsure of himself.
"I-I" Hannah stuttered, "I think she'll be back soon." She felt like she was on trial.
"Hey," he started. "I just wanted to say sorry about this morning. If I made you uncomfortable. You just looked really, uh, nice." He sat next to her and rubbed the back of his neck. His arm came to rest on his knee and he said, "I'm just so used to see utterly fake girls. Who cake on make up and think it hides how ugly they are on the inside. You seem real. And I like that."
"I-" Hannah blushed, she tried to speak, but was cut off.
"Oh, hello," Tammy said when she returned. "Is there something I can help you with?" She was talking to Parker.
"Yeah, my schedule is wrong," he explained. Walking over to the desk, he unfolded a piece of paper he drew from his pocket. "It says I'm supposed to be in Calc. I finished that class last year."
"I see," Tammy said. She sat back in her chair for a bit. "The problem is that Calc II isn't offered for 2nd period. We could move you to Mr. Roth's Calc II class 4th period, but you'd have to move your English class to Mrs. Richard's 2nd period."
NO!Hannah thought, I can't have him in two classes. He's too beautiful. I can't be near him. I can't fall for him. Boys make girls stupid!
"That's fine. I just don't want to have to retake a class I already breezed through," he bragged and gave a small laugh.
"Hannah, on your way back to Mrs. Perkins, why don't you show Parker to his class?"
"Of course," Hannah said.
"Your copies are almost done. Sorry to make you wait, Parker," Tammy said. "It'll just be a minute more."
Parker took his schedule slip and sat down. "Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of eachother.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm still considering what I'm calling the "chapters." Mind you, they're more like parts than chapters.