She Was Cornered

Hannah felt trapped. School was where she felt safest for when the zombies attacked. Now she felt like the zombies may not be what she needs to be fearful of.
"Here are the copies for Mrs. Perkins," Tammy said. She held them out waiting for Hannah to get them.
"Thanks, Tammy." Hannah stood and walked over to grab them.
"No," Parker said. "Please, allow me to carry them."
Hannah blushed. Why such a gentleman? He's not the douche I thought he was.
"That's very nice of you, Parker." Tammy returned to her seat and allowed Parker and Hannah to leave.
Hannah opened the office door so Parker could get through easier while holding the large paper stack. After watching him go through, she let the door slowly close, as it always did. It was one of those doors that you literally can not slam.
She walked just slightly ahead of him, as to lead him. "Thanks a lot for carrying that," she said quietly, pushing a stray hair back behind her ear.
"Sure," Parker said. "You're helping me. I should help you." He paused, waiting for her to say something. "I mean, I would anyway. Because that's what's right. Chivalry isn't dead you know. No matter how jerky guys are nowadays."
"Yeah, you don't sound like my grandfather at all!" Hannah quickly put her hand over her mouth, not realizing what she said. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it!"
Parker laughed. "No, I know I sound old fashioned. It's my mom's influence. I grew up with her and she taught me to respect women. Actually, I didn't meet my dad until my mom died." Another pause.
Truth be told, Hannah never knew what to say when people talked about death other than saying sorry for their loss. All she could really think of was Hope they don't come back as a zombie.
"Yeah, so I moved here with my dad, my brother, and sister. Job transfers, you know how that is."
"Actually, my parents really don't move that much. I've never really moved to a new town. I've moved houses, sure. But I've never had to switch schools or anything."
When they reached Mrs. Perkin's room Hannah said, "Just a sec. I'll let her know I'm walking you to class." She grabbed the papers and walked inside.
"You're lucky you can't be tardy for running detention errands."
"Sorry, Mrs. Perkins. There was a new student who kind of held things up. Tammy asked me take him to class, is that okay?" She could feel herself becoming hopeful her teacher would say yes. Just moments prior, she'd been begging him to stay away. Now she was kind of looking forward to spending time together.
"Sure, if Tammy asked you. Class is almost over, so please give him a warm welcome and I'll excuse you from the rest of the period for helping me." Mrs. Perkins was being unusually nice today.
Hannah could feel herself feeling lighter. Stress was lifting. This Monday was turning out beautifully. Maybe this guy is different, Hannah wanted to believe. Maybe he's not soulsucking scum?
"Ms. Richard's class is this way," she explained, pointing down the hall.
"Lead the way."
It wasn't far down the hall, Hannah never realized how fast she walked until she finally wanted a moment to last. "Here it is," she said. She couldn't help but look at the floor.
"Aren't you coming?"
"No." Hannah explained, "I was late again so she kind of kicked me out for the day."
"You know," Parker said, drawing out the last word, letting it linger. "Techincally, I don't have to go in right away. You and I could talk a bit more, only if you wanted too, of course."
"Actually," Hannah shocked herself, "I would."
He laughed, "Good. Let's get away from here!"
"Wait, what? We can't get away from the classroom. We'll get caught!"
"Well, two people, students of all things, standing outside a class room talking does look kind of suspicious, don't you think?"
Hannah thought for a moment. "You're right. I never really skipped class, so I wouldn't know."
"Well, I may be polite, Parker said. "But I'm definitely not a goody-good." He winked, and lead her to the stair case. "I've already figured spots where there's the least amount of traffic during class. This is the best spot in C wing."
"Wow, your first day and already you're scheming." Hannah was pleasently surprised. Both at parker and at herself. She'd never thought she'd find a new student who'd thought things out so well, nor did she think she'd ever be relieved or impressed by such a thing. "That's kind of a turn on." Hannah paused. Oh, my Gods. What did I just say? She clamped her hands over her mouth. "I am so sorry! I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me!"
"I was being honest when I said I thought you were beautiful. It's good to know the feelings are, well, at least kind of returned. I saw you're really shy around others." Parker moved in closer to her. He leaned in a bit. "I want to be the only one who brings this side out in you." He moved his hand to her neck, and gently pulled her in. He stayed still for a moment, not pulling her to his lips just yet. Breathing her in, he could smell her natural scents. The faint raspberry smell from her shampoo made him more enticed. They grew closer and closer together.
Finally, their lips met. Her kiss, being her first, was gentle and passive. His kiss being roused by her very smell and meekness, made him become overly forceful. Hannah released the grip on her purse, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She let herself fall against the wall behind her. Her knees being weak from such a new experience. She became enveloped in feelings, thoughts, and sensations she'd never felt before. It overpowered her in such a way, she didn't notice the bell rang before her lips met with a boy who, hours before, she wanted nothing to do with. The were a warm burning inside, it felt good to have this fire inside here heart where once there'd only been cold. The fire was only extinguished when she heard a familiar voice.
Parker pulled from Hannah.
Hannah released him, feeling like a child who'd been caught drawing on the walls. "Adalae. Hey. Uh, what's up?"
"Yeah. What's up. That's what I'd like to know." When Adalae laughed, smiled, or got really frustrated, her lip piercings would stick out more. Hannah could see the metal pertruding from her friend's lip further than usual, and she definitely wasn't laughing. Adalae raked through her blond hair, pushing it back and out of her eyes. Her hands then returned to the hips on her skinny frame. "What do you have to say for yourself?"
Hannah felt more and more like the naughty three year-old, waiting to be sent to the friend version of timeout with her nose in the corner. "I-I really don't know what you're wanting me to say."
Her long slinder index finger pointed at the man who she caught kissing her friend. "Who he is would be a really nice start." Adalae also added a lot of emphasis on words when she was angry. "You never mentioned him to me. I thought I was your best friend." She relaxed her posture. "I guess I was wrong," she said defeated. She began to walk away.
"Butyouare!" Hannah darted to the friend who walked away. Luckily Adalae didn't get far. She encompassed her friend's ribcage in her arms. "I'm sorry. I-He's-We-Uh... He and I aren't dating. He's new. But, he's, um, I really can't explain it. He just brings out something special in me." Hannah let go.
"It was my fault," Parker said.
Adalae turned to the person she caught kissing her friend. "Oh yeah?"
"It was all me. I was the one who told her to skip, and brought her over here. I kissed her and backed her into the wall."
"Uh, but I didn't stop him. I like him," Hannah paused. "For some reason..." she whispered to herself.
Walking to Parker, Adalae pointed her finger at him, one hand on her hips. "If you ever hurt her, you'll be in a lot of trouble. I will never forgive you." She walked back to her friend and hugged her. "Say goodbye to your loverboy and get ready for class." Finally, she started to walk away.
Hanna hwaved to Adalae. "Thanks for understanding." She walked over to her partner in crime. "Thank you for showing me that not all eyes are pus-sucking scum bags." Pulling him in, she gave him a farwell kiss and then walked away.
When Hannah was out of site, Parker whispered to himself, "You don't know the half of it," and let a sinister smirk creep across his lips.
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I have up to chapter nine written out right now. It's just me transfering it over here that's taking a while. Also, I don't want people to think I can actually release a part a day (which I do so sometimes... Just not often).