The Note

As the day passed, it felt more and more like the typical Monday for Hannah. She didn't cross Parker's path once. She caught herself looking for him, and she didn't feel guilty, or feel like a stupid girl. Still, she didn't see him anywhere. The next few class periods were boring, nothing special. It started to feel like she imagined it, until lunch when she was reminded.
Adalae was sitting at a small table in the corner when Hannah walked into the cafeteria. When Hannah spotted her, she gave her a smile, and a wave.
"Ohayo gozaimasu!" she greeted her friend in Japanese as she usually did.
Translation: "Good morning!"
"Ohayo."Adalae said.
Translation: "Good Morning."
Adalae wasn't as good with Japanese as her best friend was, but she still managed simple greetings.
Hannah straddled the seat attached to the table and pulled her other leg over.
"Ugh!" Hannah said. "These tables are horrible for skirts!"
"Look at the bright side, though. We don't run out of chairs!" Adalae commented.
"Yeah, at our table we're at a real risk for that!" Hannah waved her arm, showing off the empty table aside from her friend and herself.
"Well...," Adalae trailed. "Anyway, what did you bring for lunch?"
Pulling her bag from the floor, she said, "Finger sandwiches, baby carrots, and a little bit of ranch."
"I don't see how you can eat so little. And so healthy..." Adalae cocked an eyebrow while taking a bite of pizza.
Hannah looked at the pizza Adalae was given and watched as grease slowly worked it's way to the end and dripped off onto the tray. "Yeah... I'm the strange one."
"Anyway, what's new with you and your loooovar?" Adalae attempted a French accent.
"Actually," Hannah paused while opening her lunch bag. "I haven't seen him since you last saw us." She pulled out her bento box, taking it apart and and grabbing a sandwich triangle. "It's almost like he fell off the planet."
"That's weird," Adalae said while chewing more pizza. "He's probably just on the other side of the school from where you are." She put down the pizza and took a gulp of chocolate milk. "Don't you know any of his classes?"
Hannah chewed her sandwich before talking. "Actually, I know three. His first two classes are with me, and fourth period he has Cal II with Mr. Roth. Don't they have third lunch?"
"Yeah, a lot of math classes do. So probably," Adalae said.
The lunches were broken up into four periods. It was just a draw of a hat which teacher had what lunch. Adalae and Hannah, though they had different teachers, managed to share the same lunch.
"So, tell me more about him," Adalae said. This was something very new, to be able to talk to Hannah about boys.
Hannah giggled and blushed. "Well, he has a brother and sister. He's living with them and his dad. His mom died," Hannah paused. "He's really sweet. His mom taught him to be a gentleman."
"Yeah, I hear it's really polite to kiss a girl before the first date. Right up there with opening doors for a lady," Adalae rolled her eyes.
"Ha ha, you're soooooo funny."
Time passed quickly through the rest of the classes. Everything was so boring for Hannah while she was preoccupied with the thoughts of Parker.
Hannah heaved a sigh as she was leaving the school building. She took a quick look back at the school, hoping to see Parker walking to leave to get on the bus, but gave up after a short time. As she was almost on the bus she heard Adalae.
"Hannah! Wait!" she exclaimed. "Hold on!" She yelled as she ran.
Hannah paused. "What is it?"
"You forgot your book." Adalae huffed. She caught her breath, and held the book out for Hannah to take. "It was so weird though. I saw Parker and he grabbed it right out of my hands. So rude. He just flipped it open, closed it and gave it back to me."
"You saw Parker? Is he coming this way?" Hannah became hopeful.
"No, he went out to the parking lot. Maybe he doesn't ride the bus?"
"But I saw him on the bus this morning..." Hannah exhaled. "Man, I was really hoping to see him." She finally took the book. "Hopefully he'll ride tomorrow, right?"
"Yeah, sure. Anyway, I have to go. My dad is picking up. I'll see you tomorrow." Adalae held her friend in a hug. "Don't worry about Parker. You'll see him tomorrow." She let go. "I'm sure doesn't hit it and quit it... Well, kiss it and quit it? That sounded smarter in my head." She laughed. "Bye, babe."
Hannah waved, "Bye," and took the long steps onto the bus. When she looked down the rows columns of seats, she tried not to be surprised to see that Parker wasn't there. She reached her seat, soothed her skirt along her legs, and sat down. She still had the coloring book out of her purse. While she was putting it in her purse, she felt a lump in the middle of the book. How many times do I have to tell you, Adalae? she thought. Stop leaving the crayons in the book! She flipped through the pages to find the lump-causing crayon. Only when she saw a folded up piece of paper did she stop flipping. What the... "Hannah" was written in large letters across a folded square. She unfolded it, curious.

I'm sorry I didn't see you today.
I was not trying to avoid you, I
suppose our schedules didn't permit
anymore meetings between us.
I look forward to your call.
714 - 880 - 4288