Lost Memories.

Breakfast Served.

“I’m… Um… I… don’t… know…”

“Do you know where you live then?”

“I have no idea.”

“Ugh, do you know where your family is?”

“I have a family? Huh?”

“You don’t remember anything, do you?”

“No.” She said with a quiet sigh.

The poor girl has amnesia, Pete already had noticed that. She looked at Peter with pitiful eyes.

“Hm, you know what?”

“What?” She asks in a curious yet cheerful tone.

“In the mean time, you can stay here in my bedroom and I’ll get the sleeping bag and asks my mom’s permission. Maybe you’ll regain your memory soon.”

“Okay. Thanks by the way. I know I’m a total stranger to you but you’re so kind. I really thank you and all.” The girl smile brightly and thank Pete from the bottom of her heart.

Seeing that smile made Pete blushed and grin involuntarily. He was slowly falling for her right from the start.

“Raaazeeel! Honey! Come down and eat breakfast with us!” His mom called out.

“Oh gosh! I almost forgot, breakfast! Wait here, I’ll be back and bring you breakfast.”
Pete hurriedly went downstairs and explained everything to his mother.

“What?! A girl in your room?! Are you kidding me Razel Peter Faytaren?!” His mother, surprised and startled, asked Razel.

“No mom! It’s true. She doesn’t remember anything. And I hope we could let her stay for awhile until her memory goes back and all. Please, mother.”

“Fine, fine, then. Just make sure this is not one of your silly jokes or else. I’m going to trust you in this Pete, if this is an accident that you wouldn’t want me to find out you’re going to be punished, big-time.”

Delighted with being permitted by his mom, he kissed her on the forehead and without delay, got two plates with two delicious waffles and two orange juices upstairs in his room. As he entered the room, he saw the mysterious girl sitting on his bed and looking blankly at the sky.

“She’s probably trying to bring back her memory. I should probably help her or something.” Pete thought.

“Hey! Breakfast served!” Pete exclaimed excitedly with a smirk.

“Oh, thanks!” The girl snapped back to reality as Pete called her.

Accidentally, both of them getting the same plate, they’d touch each other’s hand and an immediate jolt struck them. They stared at each other for a moment and ended with a romantic smirk. It was awkward in a way but both of them liked the gushy feeling.

“Um, so, these waffles are delicious, Pete. Did you make this yourself?”

“Oh, geez, thanks. Ugh, yeah, I made them. I’m glad that you like it.”

Then, Razel’s mom interrupted their little quixotic chat.

“Oh, hi! I didn’t mean to interrupt you two but I think it’s time for you, young lass, to take a bath. You can borrow the clothes of Razel’s sister, Phoebe. It’ll fit you well, dear.” Pete’s mom grimaced and called Razel to take some clothes off out of Phoebe’s closet.

“I really can’t thank you enough Pete. Your mom is so kind; no wonder you’re so kind too. I really thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’ll really repay your generosity as soon as I can!”

“Oh, no, no, no! Listen, this is really not much. Just like what I have told you, you can stay here as long as you like until your memory regains. Wait here, again. I’ll just get clothes for you from my little sister’s room. She’s out during Saturdays, you know. Anyway, while waiting, you can probably listen to this.”

Pete handed his iPod to the girl. And immediately went to Phoebe’s room.

The young lass examined the iPod and left it at Pete’s bed. Instead of listening to it, she hummed a song that was unfamiliar in everyone’s ears.
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I want to know what you think, guys.
I know it's short and confusing but I do hope you'll help me.
Constructive criticism are highly appreciated.
By the way, what do you want to happen next?