

“Wake up, Ash. We’re here,” I heard my mom whisper. I opened my eyes slowly, to see that in fact, the plane had landed.

I stood up, stretching my arms above my head, and bending backwards slightly as I let a loud yawn escape. Falling back into a normal position, I grabbed my Abercrombie tote and followed my mother off of the plane.

It was easy saying goodbye to everyone back in the states. There really was only one person I had to say goodbye to, and that was my Grand-mère. And, she was coming up to live with us in a month anyway.

I was never really popular back home either. I distanced myself from everyone, I kept to myself, and I stayed out of everyone’s business and way.

Once inside the airport, people swarmed all around me. I grabbed my mom’s hand, afraid to lose her amongst the sea of people.

“We’re going to be meeting up with Aunty Felicia soon,” my mom notified me as we made our way through the crowd of people and to the baggage claim area.

“Where?” I croaked, my voice hoarse from not having used it for a while.

“She’s going to be picking us up.” I nodded my head, showing her that I understood.

Quickly spotting my luggage in its huge bright yellow suitcases, I pulled them off of the conveyor belt thing. After having gotten all of my luggage, I stood to the side and waited patiently for my mother.

Soon, we were outside in the chilly Sheffield air. Seeing as I was in a short green shorts, a loose white 4H shirt, and my tall chestnut Uggs, I became slightly chilly. My mom had told me that since it was summer, the temperature would be warm, so I dressed warm, but apparently my warm wasn’t warm enough. I should have just worn sweatpants.

“There’s Aunty Felicia,” mom pointed out. We made our way towards her, me slowly dragging my millions of belongings with me.

Once in front of Aunty Felicia and her van, she made a face of disapproval at me.

“I see yeh got one of those piercin’s in yeh face,” she said in a thick British accent, proceeding to point at my face.

I sucked in my bottom lip, hoping that on the ride to my new house I didn’t say anything mean back.

My mom embraced her sister, having not seen each other since my last visit here when I was ten.

Once I had all of my belongings, and my mother’s in the van, Aunty Felicia began to thoroughly inspect me.

“What’s a girl like yeh doin’ wit' make up on? An' why are yeh dress' like tha'? And pull yeh 'air back so people can actually see yeh face.”

This was going to be a long ride.
♠ ♠ ♠
first chapter.
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