

Even today, three days later from my talk with Oliver, I can’t get his wondrous eyes out of my mind. I had no idea why I was enticed by his brown/hazel eyes, especially for this long. I had always known that I was a sucker for brown eyes, but I barely knew the being that the eyes belonged to.

I had yet to find out his last name still, and to me, that was key in knowing someone.

I’d also noticed that as I got more comfortable around the guys, Mathew got more…uncomfortable with me.

It’s not that I talk more with them, but more that I’m not as fidgety as I had been.


“I’m glad just yeh an’ meh can hangout with out Suzan, Curtis, or anyone else bein’ ‘ere,” Mathew said softly from his spot beside me on the two-seater in my living room.

Of course we weren’t completely alone seeing as my grand-mère was only a few feet away in the kitchen. Mathew didn’t seem to mind though; he just didn’t want the guys there.

I knew Mathew liked me, or as Suzan put it: “fancied” me. It wasn’t that hard to see, but I didn’t know if I liked him. I’ve never actually liked someone before. Sure I found them attractive, but I didn’t actually want to pursue anything with them.

I just nodded my head at Mathew, a small smile on my face as I was somewhat snuggled into his side. I didn’t prefer to be in this position knowing his feelings for me, but we were watching a scary movie.

“Wha’s yehr middle name?” he asked randomly once the movie was finished.

I quirked an eyebrow at him before replying with a quiet “Isabella.”

“Ashlan Isabella Farm…I like it,” he responded, smiling brightly at me.

I gave him a weird look before continuing with playing with his hands.
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it's shitty, i know.
i just wanted to get an update out.

don't forget to check out Ashlan's new picture. i posted it in the AN in the last chapter.
just pretend that girl has her lip pierced.