

I remember the last party I had gone to at Oliver’s place was a complete disaster for me. I was uncomfortable, disgusted, sober and unamused. I was also dragged there against my will, and ditched.

But this time, at this small party, I was having fun being sober. I had met at least half of the people here already, and there weren’t as many bodies as there was at the last party. In fact, this party was greatly smaller. I preferred it this way. People were less drunk, and although the music wasn’t as loud, it was still deafening.

I was actually enjoying myself at this party; like really enjoying myself. I was smiling, laughing, dancing, and talking. Suzan hadn’t ditched me either. She introduced me to some of her friends that I had honestly forgotten the names of already.


I currently found myself on the makeshift, cramped dance floor with my body flush against Oliver’s with Suzan and Curtis alongside of us. I didn’t know how I ended up with a sober Oliver, seeing as he was apparently a notorious drunk. Not saying that he was an alcoholic, but that he usually always got “wasted” at parties.

Right now, at this moment, I was so high off of happiness and comfortability that I didn’t mind when Oliver pulled me to the dance floor. I let him move me to the beat.

Even after the song was over we still danced. We danced right into the next song and the next song. We danced until my legs ached and I needed to sit down.


“Did yeh ‘ave fun?” Becky asked as I lay on her bed. I was surprised that I could hangout with her without Suzan being here, and still be comfortable.

“Last night? Yes I did,” I answered, smiling at her as I flipped trough the pages of a magazine.

“Good, good. I saw yeh an’ Oli dancin’…” she hinted, smiling at me slightly. I lightly laughed at her, shrugging my shoulders, signaling that it was nothing. And it really was nothing.

“C’mon…do yeh fancy ‘im?” she asked, a smirk gracing her small lips. I quirked my eyebrow at her suspiciously before shaking my head at her absurd thought.

“No. I think I might “fancy” Mathew Kean though…” I trailed off, a small smile gracing my lips.

“I knew it! Yeh guys always bein’ ‘round each other and stuff…” she said, smiling knowingly.

I shrugged at her, my smile still on my lips.

“Yeh’re startin’ school in the Fall, righ’?” Becky asked after a few moments of silence. I nodded.

“I’m going into fifth form…I think,” I said quietly. I never understood the school systems here, but they probably didn’t understand the U.S’s school systems either.

“Me too!”

We were quiet after that, not much leaving our mouths besides the occasional sigh.
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i lost a subscriber, that's too bad =[.

more comments people! i can deprive you of this story for months! =P.

happy birthday, oliver scott sykes =].