

I let my hands glide softly over the bead spread that I had just put on my brand new bed. It was a light green shade, so it matched the curtains.

My room was white with absolutely nothing on the walls. My bed was placed right in the middle of the room, with two dressers on either side of the room, and a small bedside table beside my bed. Above my bed and slightly to the right, there were three shelves, clearly made from putting things on. The carpet was a slight creamy color, completing my room, and making it look plain and comfy like my home back in West Boylston.

Sighing, I walked over to my suitcase. There was a tag hanging off of the handle, with the words jeans, pants, skirts, sweatpants, shorts.

I lay the suitcase down before unzipping it, and pulling out a pair of slightly wrinkled pants. Sighing, I opened the bottom drawer of my dresser, and proceeded to fold all of my bottom clothing into that bottom drawer, and the bottom drawer of the other dresser.

Once repeating the process with my tops and underwear, only putting them in the first and second drawers, I grabbed my toiletries, and brought them into the bathroom with me. Shoving all my stuff into a decent enough spot, I walked downstairs to see what my mom was up to.

I entered the kitchen to see my mom sitting there, wallet in hand.

“Hey Ash,” she greeted. I nodded my head in acknowledgement, proceeding to sit in front of her in one of the spin chair things. I spun my body from side to side once I waited for my mom to say something, I could tell she wanted to.

“I was thinking about going to the store soon. Wanna come?” she questioned already standing up.

My answer was yes, of course. Most kids found it annoying to go grocery shopping with their parents, but I find it completely thrilling.

I had already changed my pants into form fitting skinny jeans, and all I needed was to put on shoes.

Rushing up the stairs, I quickly grabbed the closest shoes I could find, which just happened to be my colorful DC’s –I had a lot of shoes –and continued down the stairs, and out the door to my mother waiting in the car.

I bet you’ve heard this a ton of times before, but the cars and roads where different here in England than in the States. Instead of the steering wheel on the left side of the car, it was on the right, and instead of driving on the right side of the road, we drove on the left.

I quickly adjusted though. I tended to adjust to things fast. For example, I had already adjusted to the temperature over here.

We had reached the grocery store, and I quickly ran out of the car, and into the grocery store. I had already grabbed a cart when my mom had come in.

“Jeeze, come down, Ash. You’ll frighten the British with your odd enthusiasm for grocery shopping,” my mother laughed. I smiled cheekily at her before heading towards the bread section of the store. We always went there first.

“Which bread do you want?” my mom asked me, looking over the various types of bread. Back home I had mostly only eaten Texas toast bread, and I didn’t know if they had it here, and I couldn’t be bothered to look.

Shrugging my shoulders, I grabbed a random bag of bread, and placed it in the cart. Like I said, I couldn’t be bothered.

We soon found ourselves grabbing soy milk –my stomach didn’t hold dairy too well –from the freezers, and making our way to the check out line, with a cart full of groceries.

After walking out of the store, I helped load the things into the back of the car. Bending over slightly to but some bags on the other side of the car without having to actually go to the other side of the car, I heard a hell of a lot of wolf whistles behind me, causing me to jerk my head up.

My head banged roughly against the headboard of the car, and my hand instantly flew up to rub the spot.

Slowly, I pulled my head out of the car, turning to see who the culprits where. There, getting out of the car, where a group of four boys.

Three of them had noticeable tattoos. One heavily tattooed on his arms, and from what I could see, his neck. The other two only had a few tattoos on the arms. They were all dark haired, and starring over at me. Glaring, I marched over to them.

“Ashlan,” my mom warned, but I ignored her and kept on.

The boys had noticed that I was walking over to them, and straightened up a bit, trying to look impressive in front of me.

Once stood in front of them, I took in all their features.

The shortest one had a babyish face. His nose was slightly pudgy, but slim, and it was adorable. His hair fell lightly on his collar in a wavy fashion. He had dark blue eyes. The other lightly tattooed one had mousy dark hair that, like the other, grazed his collar. His hair curled up on the end, and his bangs swept over his face. He had a down pointed nose, if that makes any sense, but he was cute. His eyes were a light green/blue/hazel color. They seemed to change. The heavily tattooed one had mousy dark hair that swept down to his collar also, his eyes a deep hazel. Piercings adorned his lips, and they held an arrogant smirk. The last of the boys had no visible tattoos from the way he was standing. He kind of resembled the heavily tattooed boy, but barely, and he had striking blue eyes. His hair also fell onto his collar.

With my hands on my hips, and my hip jutting out slightly, I looked the one in front of me dead in the eye.

I quirked my eyebrow, giving them my deadliest glare.

He held his hands up in surrender.

“‘Ey, ‘ey, it were all in good fun, yeah?” His accent thick, I barely understood him. Taking a step closer to him, I poked him hard in the chest.

“Ouch,” he whimpered out.

“Learn how to respect a girl, douche,” I hissed, my finger jabbing into the same spot after every word.

“It weren’ even meh!” he exclaimed, desperately trying to defend himself from my finger.

“I don’t care who the fuck it was, you just don’t do that to a girl you don’t even know.” I turned to walk away before I heard a snicker from my right. I turned to the heavily tattooed guy and glared before swiftly walking back to my mom and the car.

“Pissy.” I heard before I slammed the passenger side of the car shut.
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