

Everyone sat there awkwardly, not knowing where to begin.

I could feel eyes burning into me, but I kept my head lowered.

“So…Where’d yeh folks come from?” Mrs. Keane asked my mother. I tilted my head towards my mother, and studied her as she answered.

“Massachusetts,” she said. I could tell by the way that she said it, that she liked the Keane’s. Her smile wasn’t fake either, and she sat with her back erect. It’s the way she looked around her best friend.

“Wow. Tha' must ‘ave been a long flight,” Mr. Keane imputed. My mother nodded to that.

“So, ‘ow old are yeh, Ashlan?” Mrs. Keane asked. The way they said my name bothered me immensely. I just wish that everyone would say it the way that my mother said it.

I didn’t bother to look up from my empty plate, and instead of answering her, I kept quiet.

After a few moments of silence, and the feeling of everyone’s eyes on me, my mother finally decided to answer for me.

“Oh, she’s 17.”

“Tha’s nice. Only a few years younga then Matt,” Mr. Keane replied. I could sense that he wanted to say more, most likely about me not talking.

“So, do yeh like it ‘ere so far?” Mrs. Keane asked me. The way she started every sentence so far with ‘so’ bothered me.

My mom nudged me lightly with her elbow, and I tilted my head to look at her again.

She gave me one of those motherly looks that pretty much said answer her.

Instead of acknowledging her, I just shrugged my shoulders.

Thank God the food came out, and spared me of the most awkward dinner I’ve ever had.

Scooping up some mashed potatoes, I caught a glimpse of Mathew’s eyes on me.

Mashed potatoes still floating above my plate, I looked up and locked eyes with him.

After he broke eye contact, I studied him. From the small blush that formed on his cheeks from being caught staring, to the way he held his fork.

Diverting my attention, I continued to shovel food onto my plate.


“It were nice meetin’ yeh,” Mrs. Keane said hugging my mother and I. I cringed slightly when she hugged me.

“It was nice meeting you, too,” I replied, shocking the Keane’s. I bet they didn’t think I could talk.

“Why don’ yeh an' Mathew exchange numba’s?” she hinted. I could tell she was trying to set Mathew and I up.

“Sure. What’s your number?” I asked Mathew, putting on a real smile.
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tell me if you want to be a character in the story.
and tell me what relationship you want to have with anyone.