

“Oh,” Suzan said, her voice just as awkward as she felt.

I chose not to respond to that; reliving past experiences that weren’t so great wasn’t my favorite thing to do.

We sat there in silence for a few moments, with the exception of Suzan clicking away on her phone.

“Well look who it is!” a feminine voice exclaimed from behind me, causing Suzan’s face to break out into a full grin.

She stood quickly, her chair almost toppling over to the tiled ground. Her flats squeaked against the tile as she ran to whoever was behind me. I turned my head to the right, looking over it to see who was there.

Mathew, Matt, Lee, Curtis and Oliver stood crowding around Suzan, who seemed to be hugging the life out of a short, long-haired redhead.

“Oh Lynn! I haven’ seen yeh in forevah! Where ‘ave yeh been hidin’?” Suzan exclaimed, holding the girl at arms length before engulfing her in another hug.

“I’ve been in Italy evah since a month before school let out! I jus’ got back today, and Lee and the guys wanted teh take meh out,” she replied, just as much excitement in her voice.

They let go of each other just long enough for Suzan to quickly peck Curtis-who had been whining about not getting any attention from his girl friend-and pull everyone over to our table.

“‘Ey Ashlan,” Mathew said, smiling at me before pulling a chair next to mine. I smiled warmly at him in response.

“Who’s this?” Lynn asked, eyeing me.

Once close enough, I realized that she had what seemed like volcom stars on each of her collarbones and large gray innocent eyes. She was wearing a strapless brown dress with white and green designs on it. On her feet were brown, warn out boots.

“This is Ashlan. She jus’ moved ‘ere from America a couple weeks ago,” Suzan replied.


I felt eyes piercing into the side of my head, and when I turned to look at who the culprit was, my eyes locked with Oliver’s. He smiled warmly at me before turning to talk to Matt. I stared at him for a bit longer, examining his shaggy dark hair to his pierced lip.


We, meaning they, decided to walk down the street to the small pizza parlor. Mathew and I were walking slowly behind the group, while receiving occasional glances from Oliver.

“So I ‘eard tha’ yehr gran’ mothah came in…” Mathew said, trying to spark up a conversation. I nodded, a small smile on my face.

“And sorreh ‘bout yeh gran’ fatheh,” he added awkwardly, rubbing at the back of his neck.

“It’s fine,” I said distantly. I really didn’t want to think of any of that; it was all a hard time in my life. Just everything that went on that year was something I never want a repeat of.

We walked a little more, Oliver slowing down to walk alongside us.

“Wha’ happened teh yeh gran’ fatheh?” he asked. I felt myself twitch slightly. I honestly wish it hadn’t been brought up.

“He died, but that was two years ago,” I said, running a hand roughly through my hair.

“Oh… ‘M sorreh.” And that’s when I snapped.

“Stop saying sorry! It’s been two years, and I’m fine! I wish everyone would stop reminding me of it!” I yelled, making everyone stop and turn to look at me.

Oliver had that whole dear-in-the-headlights look, and as soon as I finished, I turned and walked away.

I didn’t mean to yell at him, I was just sick and tired of all the sympathy I was receiving over a two-year old death.
♠ ♠ ♠
i did it; two updates in under two hours i think.
there you go, Suzan. =].
i'll fix errors later.
