Status: Slowly updated

Can't Escape Decisions Made for Me


"We have to go already Harlow." She looked at her watch and nodded. We got up and made our way to the door.

"Where are you girls going?" Jimmy asked.

"We're meeting a few friends. You're more than welcome to join us." I looked over at the one I had chosen, Brian. His eyes showed a sort of pain and lust.

"I don't mind." Brian spoke up.

"Yeah but what about Gena and Michelle?"

"There probably out fucking something or some one like they always do."

"Gena wouldn't do that to me so shut the fuck up short shit." Zacky growled. He was exactly like Harlow. And now I see why she chose him. His jade green eyes darkened a bit but lightened up more when he looked at Harlow.

"That's what you think." Johnny mumbled.

This is getting no where fast. I said to Harlow.

I know. I'm not in the mood to deal with this bullshit. Let's go. Harlow turned to the door. Before she could turn the handle, Gena and Michelle walked in with two guys. They laughed and giggled while the guys sucked on there necks.

"What the fuck?!?!" Brian growled loudly causing the girls to turn to us. They both looked scared. "So this is what you do after every show? You go around whoring yourselves out." Brian said in a menacing voice. The girls didn't say anything. Instead they looked down and started crying. "Don't pull that bullshit crying bit, its old already. I'm going out with the girls." He said grabbing a jacket and walking over to us. The rest of the guys stood up as well.

"So where are we going ladies?" Johnny asked. I smirked.

"I gotta change so we're going to our place. If you want you can meet us at the club or go with us to the house so we can all go together." Harlow spoke up.

"We'll just tag along with you." Matt said. We nodded and walked out leaving Gena an Michelle behind. We walked to the parking lot and over to my car.

"Whose car?" Brian asked.

"Mine." I said smirking.


"Yupp. Just follow us." I said as Harlow and I got into my Charger. "Piece of fucking cake." I revved the engine and floored it. Being immortal was fucking awsome. I would never die. Well except I would with sunlight and someone being bitch enough to stab me through my black little heart. We got the house and quickly made our way to the front door. I smirked at the guys shocked faces.

"You girls live here?"

"Yeah. Why is there something wrong with our house?"

"No. Its just a little Adam's Family-ish."

"Aw. Are you scared?"

"Ha. No." Johnny said even though we could see in his mind that he was. They walked over to us and we let them in the house. I locked the door.

"You should be." I said. My throat was already burning from there scent. I didn't know how much longer I would be able to restrain myself.

We need to fake the friend thing and now. I said to Harlow. On que, my phone rang. "Hello? I have to get dressed. Why? Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck ever." I 'hung up' my phone and threw it on the couch.

"I have bad news guys. Apparently our friend Kat is flaking on us for a random guy." I said frustrated and opened up the liquor cabinet. I tore open the bottle of Jack and took a really large swig/chug. "Sorry that we brought you guys out here for nothing."

"Its cool. We can just drink here if you two are okay with that." Matt suggested. I looked at Harlow who shrugged.

"I don't mind as long as you guys are okay with it." They all nodded. I opened up our well stocked liquor cabinet and pulled out a few bottles. "Then let's get to drinking." I said smirking. I looked at Brian who still had a pained look in his eyes. My heart or what little of a heart I had ached for him. I felt bad. A guy with his looks shouldn't be cheated on. I sat down next to him with bottle in hand.

"Are you gonna be okay hun?"

"Yeah. I should be."

"Well I'm here if you need to talk. Here." I said passing him the bottle of Grey Goose. He accepted it and down a good portion of it.

"So. How old are you?"

"Old enough to drink you under the table."

"Is that a challenge?"

"That is is." I said smirking. With over a hundred years of practice, I knew how to hold my liquor. After a few dozen bottles, the guys were completely smashed. Jimmy and Johnny were close to passing out.

"Okay there is no way we are letting you light weights drive like this. You can stay here."

"I wanna stay with you." Brian said cuddling with me.

"Let's take the guys to the rooms. I hoisted Jimmy up and carried him to a guest room. We did that will all of them except for Zacky and Brian. I made sure to lock the doors and had the windows sealed. We carried Brian and Zacky to our rooms and chained there ankles to the beds. I pulled the lever and the whole first floor sunk down below the basement area. I undressed and got settled into bed. Brian wrapped his arm around me and shivered.

"Jadey poo why are you so cold?" He asked.

"Cause I'm uncovered." I said playfully.

"Why are you uncovered?"

"You're on the blanket silly." I said laughing at him.

"Oh okay." He said and passed out. I smirked to my self and stared at him. I took in all his features. His high cheek bones and tanned skin. He was hot. His fitted shirt was ridding up and I could see the outline of his abs. His black hair hung messily in his face. I bit down on my lip a bit and I tasted my own blood.

I'm bleeding. I need to go out and feed before my bloodlust gets the best of me.

Okay be careful.

Always am.

Bullshit. Don't get arrested again.

Okay mom.. I rolled my eyes, got dressed and left with out waking Brian up.
♠ ♠ ♠
So its not all tht great.
But Allie's chap && my next one should be alot better.
Oh && go check out Allie's new Mest story.
Its effen aweshome.
Plus Matt && Tony Lovato are fucking hawt!!
Walking On Broken Glass
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