Status: Slowly updated

Can't Escape Decisions Made for Me



"You've gotta be shittin' me. I mean vampires don't really exist. And any one can have fangs. Hello, grill with fangs." Matt said pointing to his mouth.

"Hello, actually fangs." I said sarcastically.

"Bullshit." He said. I was in front of him in a flash. He flinched back.

"Wanna find out if they are real or not?" I asked in a menacing tone. He opened his mouth a few times before shaking his head. "Now make your choice. Live or die!" I said looking at all of them.

"What happens if we decide to live?" Brian asked. I turned to him and smirk.

"Well you can't leave that's for sure. If we were to let you leave, then you would tell everyone our little secret. Then people would come after us, some will die. Too much drama if you ask me. We're not gonna feed off of you if that's what you're asking. Its more of a companionship kinda deal."

"And what about our families and fans? We'd have to stop making music."

"Not necessarily. We have a recording studio in the basement."

"Why would you have that?" Johnny asked.

"We have to do something to make the time fly by. You know how boring it gets sitting here with nothing to do for hundreds of years?"

"Hundreds?" Jimmy stated. Harlow nodded her head.

"So make your choice." I said nodding at Harlow to follow me. We left the door open so we could hear what the guys were saying.

"What do you think they'll choose?" She asked.

"I don't know. Just wait and see."


"Do you really think they are serious?" Jimmy asked me.

"I don't know. But it would explain the cold skin, and the fangs."

"And obviously that freaky speed shit." I nodded. I looked at everyone. They all seemed to be thinking but Brian looked like he was in deep thought. "Brian." I said. He looked at me.


"You alright?" He nodded. "If we stay then we can kiss our lives as we know it good bye. But if we say no then we could kiss our lives goodbye anyway. Its a lose-lose situation. And it seemsl ike they want an answer now." If we say yes then that would mean not being with Val. I don't know if I can handle that. But if we say no then I won't be with her at all. Fuck. It is a lose-lose situation. "We know Christ already said yes, but what about the rest of us?"

"We don't really have a choice." Jimmy stated. I sighed nodding my head in agreement.

"I already fucked her so I pretty much gave my answer." Zacky said looking at each of us.

"So that leaves you Brian." I said. He looked down. He looked up at us. You could see the confusion in his eyes. He just nodded. I sighed out loud.

"Alright. I guess we tell them our answer." I said walking towards the entrance way that lead to the living room. I looked over at them. "We choose to live so I guess that means we're gonna stay." I said. We pretty much sold ourselves to two vampires. That means no more family, no more fans. What did we get ourselves into?

"Like I said earlier. We're not gonna kill you. But try anything funny and that might change. Come one, we'll show you to your rooms."

"What no dungeons and chains?"

"That can be arranged if you're into that sorta thing." Jadelyn said with a smirk.