Pizza and Wine

Chapter 6.

The Day After

“I feel like someone hit me in the head with a brick… Gerard muttered to himself as he dragged himself into the restaurant of the hotel the next morning and sat himself next to Bob at a table. No one else had arrived yet for breakfast, but they had all agreed to meet at 10am.

“I know how you feel.” Bob replied, reaching for a glass and pouring some water inside as Ray and Mikey joined them at the table.

“How did you guys sleep?” Gerard asked sleepily.

“I would of slept better if Frank and Jamie hadn’t decided to…” He glanced at Mikey and giggled mischievously. “...Party all night.” Mikey shot him a disgusted look from inside the menu he was examining.

“Not funny…” He mumbled angrily and returned to his menu ignoring any attempt of Ray trying to apologise.

The four decided to wait a further ten minutes for the members of Green Day and their fellow band mate to arrive for breakfast, but in the end they could only be patient enough to wait five minutes as Gerard got a terrible craving for something fatty and oily to settle his stomach which had been doing somersaults all morning.

“Morning!” Adrienne entered the restaurant happily, dragging a tired Billie Joe in behind her. He looked terrible, dark black bags under his eyes. A serious hangover.

The couple sat at the table and Adrienne quickly snapped up a menu, while Billie just nodded to greet the other men feeling to terrible to speak and moving in slow motion.

“..I know how he feels.” Mikey muttered staring at Billie Joe across the table. Adrienne put down her menu and frowned at the men.

“Well, it’s your own fault you know. You better be ok to perform tonight.” She said sternly as moans broke out through the table, telling her that they’d clearly forgotten about having to perform tonight and were dreading doing so.

Mike and Tré soon joined them at the table, followed shortly by Frank and Jamie who were both extremely tired but still found times to hold each others hand under the breakfast table.

"I feel like I just got hit by a train," Mike grumbled.

Adrienne laughed, and glanced at her husband.

"You suck," He said.

"I told you, Billie Joe. You should've stopped drinking sooner," the woman repeated.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," The thirty-six year old man said, and rolled his eyes.

Mike took a sip of his coffee and the warm liquid didn't even wake him up like it usually did.

He was usually ready to go once he had had a couple of cups of coffee, but today was not the case.

~ ~

Later in the evening, the time for the performance had already begun. The boys had managed to find a few hours to sleep before they were due to play and had done a pretty good job on stage, especially Billie who had been moving like an 80 year old man all day long.

"You did a great job, honey," Adie said and kissed her husband.

"Remind me to never do that again the night before a show," the guitarist stated.

His wife laughed, and pulled him along to follow Mike and Tré who were going to meet their fans with Gerard, Mikey, Bob, Ray, and Jamie went too. Frank was stuck in his dressing room trying to fix a problem with his guitar and unfortunately, a lost fan stumbled into the room.

“OH MY GOD! YOU’RE FRANK IERO!” She screamed excitedly when she realised who he was. Her voice sent shock waves through his already pounding brain.

“Uh...yeah.” He mumbled, trying to sound enthusiastic although his head was throbbing in pain. “What’s your name?”

“It’s Amy.” She giggled excitedly and stumbled into the room approaching Frank. The horrible stench of alcohol hit him as she came closer, causing his already queasy stomach to do multiple back flips.

“Nice to meet you Amy.” He smiled and continued to fiddle with his guitar. The fan got closer to him, walking right into his personal face.

“You’re my hero..” She mumbled, the stench of alcohol strong on her breath.

“Really? I’m flattered.” He said uncomfortably, hoping she would move.

“Good…” She mumbled then completely broke the barrier of personal face and lashed out towards him. Her lips furiously colliding with his own, in a far less than passionate kiss. He tried to push her away from his body, he tried to break the kiss but the fan was drunk and too powerful.

“Frank.” Jamie’s familiar angelic voice echoed down the corridor outside. “Fuck.” The word rung clearly through his head as he began to panic, and tried to push the fan away. Her lips were glued against his own, things looked grim.

He could hear Jamie’s footsteps now, as they grew closer to the door and the small bronze knob on the door slowly turned. Panic filled his body, he couldn’t escape.

“…Frank?” Finally he broke the kiss, but it was too late. Jamie had seen. She stood in the door for a few seconds, her face looked shocked as tears began to fill her eyes. She just stared at Frank, her body beginning to tremble then she ran from the room. She didn’t know where she was running too, but she was running away from what she saw. There was no turning back.