Pizza and Wine

Chapter 7.

Frank pushed the girl away, and ran after his fiancée. Panic filled his heart as his feet pounded the floor beneath him, echoing through the backstage halls behind him.

“Frank! Where are you going.” Ray yelled out confused as he had just finished signing autographs and was coming back to the dressing rooms when Frank almost bowled him over in his fast stride.

“Jamie!” Frank screamed loudly as he continued running and turned a corner. Ray stood there in a daze, what was wrong with Jamie? He’d better tell Gerard and Mikey.

Turning back to run the way he had come, Ray went in search for Gerard who was still signing autographs, surrounded by a bunch of screaming fan girls who all wore t-shirts with his face plastered on the front.

“Gee..” Ray breathed quietly into his friends ear. “I… just… saw …Frank. He was… panicking.” His breath was ragged from running back as he tried to push the words out. “When I asked him what was wrong he just said ‘Jamie’” Gerard snapped up from the picture of his own pale black haired face which he was signing and looked surprised.

“We have to go find out what’s wrong.” He said quickly, he loved his younger sister too much and was afraid something terrible would happen to her. Scribbling his name quickly on one last poster he had shoved into his hand, he thanked the fans and followed Ray back stage where Frank was still running around frantically.

“Frank!” Gerard screamed as Frank belted past him. Frank stopped and turned around, clearly in a hurry.

“What happened?”

“It’s Jamie. She ran away. I can’t find her anyway.” The short man replied quickly, his breath ragged and shaky from all the running.

“Well. I’ll get the others and we will all search.” Ray mumbled next to Gerard, scratching his wild ‘fro of hair.

It had been half an hour since it happened, and everyone was out to find Jamie. They searched everywhere in the building and couldn't find her.

Mike decided to go check around the stage.

He looked everywhere, and couldn't find her. Then, he heard something coming from under the stage. Like a quiet muffled sobbing, which echoed up through the stage. He crouched down, and saw that it was Jamie, and she was crying.

"Jamie! Everyone's been worried about you!" He exclaimed, and crawled under the stage. She looked over to him with tear stained eyes and didn’t reply.

“What’s wrong.” He soothed quietly, crawling towards her. She replied in only louder hurt filled sobs.

He wrapped his arms around the girl, and she sobbed into his shoulder.

"'s OK. It's OK," he said and rubbed her back.

The stage was outside and it was getting really cold. It had also been raining.

"Come on, let's get you inside before you get sick," The blue-eyed man suggested.

He took Jamie's hand, and helped her out of the small space. Then he took off his jacket, and wrapped it around the hazel-eyed girl. She gave him a small forced smile to say ‘thankyou’ as she followed him, going to find the others.

When they got inside, Gerard ran over to his sister, and hugged her tightly like he would never let her go.

"Jamie! Where have you been?" He asked with a worried tone in his voice as she broke the hug and pushed him away.

Instead she just cried into Mike's shoulder, who had still been standing beside her.

She didn't want support from her brother right now. He had promised her that Frank wouldn't hurt her. And he did, more than she could ever imagine.

Mike put his arm around Jamie and frowned. He didn't like seeing her upset.

"You lied to me Gerard!" She cried into Mike’s shoulder, hot tears flooding from her delicate hazel eyes.

"No I didn't, Jay. Please...let Frank explain what happened," Her older brother said.

“No..” She spat angrily at him. Footsteps came running down the hall as the others finally began to regather.

“Jamie!” Frank yelled, relief filling his voice as he saw his fiancée ahead of him. He walked over to where she stood in Mike’s arms and took her gently by the wrist.

“Go away Frank. You betrayed me.” She shook his grip off harshly like it was poison and turned to see his horror-stricken face.

“No Jamie. It’s not what you think.” He pleaded, trying to taking her arm again. She ignored him and pulled away from Mike. Folding her arms tightly around her chest, she began to walk away.

“Jamie! Please!” Frank yelled after her. She ignored him. “It’s not what you think. It was a fan, she was drunk. I tried to push her away. I did!” More tears spilt from her eyes as she heard his voice quaver.

“Jamie..” Frank mumbled quietly, his voice barely audible as hot tears began to fill the corners of his own deep brown eyes. “I love you.” He muttered in clear honesty.

Jamie stopped dead in her tracks and looked down, tears spilling from her eyes and crashing to the floor. She didn’t turn back to face him but she heard his footsteps approach her as everybody stood, watching the scene.

He took hold of one of her arms with his gentle touch and turned her to face him. His eyes were full of tears just like her own.

“I really do.” He mumbled and embraced her. Deep in her heart she wasn’t convinced. Could she ever trust him again?