Status: On hiatus until I finish "So before I end my day, remember".

Sacred and Profane

Chapter 6

His POV:

I think that after the kiss there was no coming back. I couldn’t just walk away and pretend that nothing happened, that what I felt when I was with you wasn’t real. I just couldn’t.
I wanted to be with you forever, but I knew that, for that to happen I had to bite you and give you the kiss of eternity. And that’s something I didn’t want to do.

There were more dangers than me loosing control.

It is a challenge to keep a relationship with a human, because I can’t take you every where I go, there are really evil vampires that think that humans are simply food and also there are the ones that think it is a threat if a human know the secrets of our world, so they were going to chase and feed from your blood or even turn you into one of us.

If you think about it, it really is a threat to our kind, if humans knew of our existence; they would be chasing us again, just like it was in the early days in those medieval times.

But I couldn’t do that to you, I wanted to protect you. Protect you from our world…and from me.

Our romance had just begun, and we were already facing reality.

Her POV:

I knew that after the kiss, there was no turning back, I was quickly falling in love with you, and nothing could change how I felt, not even your fears.

I also knew that we needed to keep our relation in secret, not that I would tell to the world that I met a real vampire and that o had a relationship with him, because humans didn’t know that vampires existed and the vampires didn’t want us to know that they existed, so a relationship like ours would make both worlds collide and maybe even start a war.

It was very dangerous for the both of us, we could die.

I wanted to convince you to turn me into a vampire, but I knew you would refuse.

It was too early though to have a serious talk, but we needed to figure this situation out as soon as possible.